"oh yeah, that happened" thread

"oh yeah, that happened" thread

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I don't even remember the plot honestly

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Why do the two daughters from the 2020s (who are basically the main characters) talk like 80's stoner surfer dudes? God this film was shit.

>huh, whoa dude! my daughter is confused about her gender and also talks like me! I can pick any future I want and I picked this one! whooooaaaa dude!

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man i really wish this movie was better

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This never happened unfortunately

One of the daughters in the movie thinks she's a man now.

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I'll go to my grave over Bill & Ted Face The Music. It came out at the right time, hitting that sweet spot in between Sonic The Hedgehog and Tenet in 2020.
We went something like 6 months without anything getting released and then Bill & Ted 3 dropped and I fucking loved every second of it.

They made a fourth Bourne movie? Was it any good?

how is this not seen as racist pandering?

>"oh yeah, that happened" thread
Take a guess

Anyone actually seen this? Cringe kino?

it's movie of the year.

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>gender swap the canonical children of bill and ted
>implying I care about this garbage movie