This is how you recast old actors and respect their characters, not by killing them and making them miserable...

This is how you recast old actors and respect their characters, not by killing them and making them miserable, nudge nudge Kathleen. The movie was pretty average, but at least it was good to see them among the other niggers and Marvel quippers

Attached: jurassic-world-3-dominion-trailer-cast.jpg (480x300, 24.62K)

they were pretty stupid and so was the movie overall. wouldn't recommend

There was no reason for them to be involved. Fuck you and fuck the script

>it was good to see them
It would've been better not to see them. Let their characters rest, so all we remember is them in their 90s prime

How much screentime would you say they get? Do they appear earlier on before they join the new cast?

Oh damn bros, they still got it! Look at them go. Definitely worth picking them up from the senior center for this. What a fucking joke.

Attached: 1646233551594.webm (1280x638, 2.94M)

This scene is so fucking stupid. It's unbelievable. It's right there. It's looking at them. It's roaring at them. There's no chase sequence because someone might fall and break a hip. So they scurry behind a wrecked car and the fucking thing pretends it didn't just watch them do that. Amazing.

you clapped when you saw them? Did you cry when you saw luke kicking ass in mando?

>dont worry, tough nigress saves our asses

is this before or after the two scenes of racemixing from the trailer?

I did, yeah. :')

nobody is watching this movie for a bunch of boomers
everyone wants to see BDH take that BDC

I just saw this today and it's such fucking BULLSHIT how little Brycekino there is. I swear they deliberately kept her as covered as possible, every single one of her outfits actively works to hide her ass, legs and pretty much everything from the neck down. There is exactly one good shot of it and it's a blurry blink-it-and-you-miss-it frame when she's running from a dino in Italy.

Attached: 4371713e9f24266017b821f14d79850f.jpg (1797x2240, 506.53K)

>legacy characters being treated with respect

Unheard of in this day and age. I'm so used to them being butchered at the expense of making new characters look good.

I want this era of nostalgiabait to go by already. It screams desperation for money.

It's been about 10 years or so and it's getting worse each's not changing any time soon.

>not by killing them and making them miserable
But user, we just had the biggest success since the pandemic and one of the biggest successes of all time(WITHOUT China) at the start of the year and then we had another runaway success with ludicrously strong legs come out two weeks ago that did this exact thing.

How can you be sure it'll work beside Last Jedi breaking the world record with its drop between sequels and Multiverse of Madness suffering the biggest MCU drop of all time? Clearly, we should be killing off and humiliating more beloved characters to prop up our agenda, just like the new hit show Obi-Wan, now on Disney Plus! Check it out today!

We literally just got out of a Nostalgia-Hate era started by that shitty 2016 ghostbusters movie that somehow managed to bleed into Star Wars of all things, it's genuinely shocking we had a whole two movies that actually seemed to like the original characters and didn't want to shit on them like poor Arnold from Terminator Dark Fate.

it's why Colin Trevorrow was fired from Star Wars, because he actually respected the og characters and wanted them to be cool in the movies. I mean, Star Wars is trash anyway, might as well make it be cool fan service.

i think it will end once it comes full circle and the only thing left to be nostalgic about are these nostalgia bait reboots/sequels/remake which no one really likes so the nostalgia bait won't work anymore. But who am I kidding, they will keep selling the same shit over and over and once deepfake tech is perfected they will go back to making more reboots and sequels.

now that I think about it, it wouldn't surprise me if a future movie trend (like remakes in the late 00s/reboots in the 10s/late sequels now) is making "alternate" sequels to the old classics, so instead of making Star Wars Episode X, they will make Star Wars Episode VII: The real sequel or shit like that.