It insists upon itself

It insists upon itself.

Attached: MV5BOTNiYmVjNjktZDhhNy00NGQ0LTg0YzYtYWVlMTVjMTQyMDU5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzY0MTE3NzU@._V1_-1.jpg (2200x3300, 2.04M)

See, a brotha drives like this:
Bum tsh bada bum te dum dum tsh.
But see a white guy, a white guy, he drive like this:
nena neeee nee nee na neee neeee
*raucous laughter*

I refused to watch it because it'll definitely be about Raycismz and shieet. As an Asian I couldn't give less of a fuck about nigger bullshit.

Do white people really watch this and Jordan Peele movies? So subservient and creepy. Like you could just not consume media for a few hours, “cultural conversation” media is gay and for boring people that don’t live.

It's not bad but it's insanely pretentious. The best episodes are the less overt ones with the characters just hanging.

I really liked Us.

Paperclip, paperclip
Yeah I need a paperclip

Get Out, I thought, was pretty fun.

I only watch movies directed and starring White people.

Nothing worse than minorities over compensating.

>"See I can be smart too"
>herp depderp *puts in monocle and sips tea*

Based bug. Honorary Aryan.

>Donald Glover's net worth: $35 million

Attached: Donald Glover reparations.png (661x433, 102.35K)

I have no fucking idea what he's talking about?

It was OK in theory. The concept isn't wildly unique, but it hasn't been overdone. The problem is it is an artistic criticism trying to masquerade as a horror movie. The movie is eerie for parts, and then it has some 'horror' at the end. The horror falls flat. It's better as a psychological sci-fi thriller. As a horror, it's scary to no one other than people who are actually scared of white people, and who are terrified with white men who smile. If it had had a white or Jewish director who wasn't caught up on trying to illuminate a 'perception of treatment by black people' and just took it's sci-fi horror elements and rolled with it the tone could've been the focus--which, again, it gets good in moments. But when your penultimate moment falls flatter than random scenes within the second act you have a big problem. It's the same with a lot of movies. You can't have the ending be weaker than the start and middle if your goal is not to resolve it earlier on.

There are no black people in my country so I don’t care the cringe racial tensions you guys have in America. Haven’t seen Atlanta but Get Out was kino

Atlanta is hit or miss. Some episodes are genuinely hilarious, some are well done drama, and like another user said some episodes are pretentious and cringe.

It really does. It became so humorless the second Glover realized he could spin himself as the next Lynch.

>wypipo so lazy
>gib me dat go free

He's comparing niggers to dogs and saying white people are too lazy to take care of their dogs by giving them reparations. I am HIGHLY insulted on behalf of dogs everywhere that they can be compared to niggers and that Donald Glover has absolutely no idea how many TRILLIONS of dollars have been spent on propping up niggers both at home and abroad and he still has the gall (as a multi-millionaire, no less) to demand white people pay even MORE to niggers. He's actually a good actor and decent comedian as well as an interesting, if milquetoast rapper, but holy fuck is he an insufferable cunt when it comes to criticizing his own race.

Attached: 1654473894359.png (311x279, 196.47K)

Please dont say this. We don't need these bugs. They're already building their hives everywhere. Even africa.

did he really just compared himself to a dog?
he must have had a ruff childhood

Jordan Peele is woke M Night Shyamalan, he can make a good twist but his liberalness oozes into his work too mucb.

they do and it’s cringe as fuck

Us was great, Any Forums really baited me into thinking it was some “wypepo are le bad!!” race bait movie but it was actually a pretty nice thriller with some great black comedy moments. I don’t know why people shit on it so hard, it’s exactly the kind of “diversity” that people are crying about we need more of without the cringe race angle, it’s just a movie with black people. I don’t think it touches on race at any point at all in the movie

black people have no self awareness jesus christ

>Black people are as different to white people as white people are to dogs
