Why didn't they just open an offshore bank account

Why didn't they just open an offshore bank account

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even if they had all that money in an offshore account what the fuck are they going to do with it you idiot
they can't just buy 200 car washes out of nowhere

why not

They could buy expensive real estate in any Tax Haven countries they chose.

because the IRS would see 100k in revenue and two million in purchased property and realize something isn't quite right

I would imagine that it's not that simple if on paper you're just a high school teacher/car wash owner and offshore accounts are not 100% anonymous and secret anyway. Considering they were just sitting on the money to send their children to college, it was probably way safer to have it all cash

Why didn't he just mint some NFTs and buy them for $400k each?

get approved and just start any business you want and make the payments. Keep doing that yearly.

How much money was this again?

around 50 millions.

about tree fiddy

In 2022 dollars

Enough for 2 six packs of beer


Attached: 16543985868610.png (1280x720, 1.68M)

>I've been treated by the owner

>shell company
>put yourself as ceo
Why not?

That's not that much to hide, realistically. I dunno why they made such a big deal out of it. In an ultra red state like New Mexico, they could probably have bought tons of shit straight cash. Precious metals, crypto, leveraged the car wash and bought antique stores and bakerys and other sorts of cash businesses. Then got Saul to play ball and buy shitty real estate and flip them, while appraising them sky high. Use a fake business to buy them back with their own money etc etc.

Sopranos was so much smarter about this shit.

Why didn't Guz just give him a job, similar to how he gave one to Mike in BCS as a security consultant

I dont think new mexico is a red state

Gus never liked Walt

>what is money laundering