Volume 1 fucking had it all. Jedi master Luke...

Volume 1 fucking had it all. Jedi master Luke. Great enemy (imperial remnant) that address obvious questions about the galaxy after ROTJ. Leia is even the main character, and Han gets a bitchy black gf without any of it feeling forced. Why didn't they just adapt this shit?

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Actually she's bitchy because Han won't put out, he's married

yeah luuuke and the emperor returning were great ideas

They don't care about the lore. They're like fanfiction writers who just want to have their self-insert, their hamfisted political message, and to make their new OCs walk all over the old characters.

Because the events of the trilogy would be a google away, and because Dark Empire was about the young cast of Star Wars and not
>a mangled crash test dummy with a face made entirely of plastic
>an old maid who regularly sucks dick for bumps of coke
>and your dad, wearing your dad's clothes

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dark empire is so based

It's common practice when there's new management in an established IP or product that any material not published by the new owners is quietly (and sometimes not so quietly) disposed of and these new managers and writers will create and substitute their own content.

For all we know they'd appreciate (and appropriate) good work but if they can't easily attach their names to it then they won't use it. It's all about who gets the credit and justifying their jobs, massive egos, and reputation.

Ok but they still used the cloned Palpatines and the super duper better than the death star and the super awesome star destroyers with death star lasers

Makes sense, they're running a business first and foremost.

Evil can't create. Not even adapt, apparently.

>Han gets a bitchy black gf
Why would any fan want this?

Exactly. George Lucas made Star Wars with inspiration from religion and mythology. Jews hate this because those aren't worldly; they're beyond Jewish capacity. That's why Disney Wars is so sterile and hollow because it's all about man and politics. They're intentionally besmirching Lucas' vision.

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Yuuzhan Vong would have unironically been an extremely kino movie or even episodic series

>the emperor returning
he's a classic evil wizard, he could have put his soul in a magic ring and it would be kino

You know that Spielberg and Lawrence Kasdan were jewish right? Star Wars is about the Kabala.

god this art is so fucking kino

what part of the Kabala?

What's with all the Dark Empire threads lately?

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The entire movie is a kabbalistic allegory. Blue and red, the force. Da’ath Vader. Balancing good and evil. The great work. The death star. Contacting spirits. Ascended masters


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>I’d be worried if everybody was like “That was a good meal.” It’s much more exciting when a group of people are really excited about it, and there are other people literally saying “that was the worst thing I’ve ever eaten” Having those two extremes is the mark of a meal I want to make.

Luke's clone wasn't a bad idea, and the Emperor's return at least wasn't asspulled at the last minute without any context

those books were terrible but I still nostalgia for them