The MCU will only recover if they can find two heroes to replace Iron Man and Captain America and cast the right actors...

The MCU will only recover if they can find two heroes to replace Iron Man and Captain America and cast the right actors. Who could those heroes and actors be?

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Dr. Stange and Shang Chi.

There is no recovery, they are limited by the material they have to adapt and are well past the point of having anything viable left to work with.

There's a shit ton of source material left for them to use, they just need to refocus around someone new who can fill the shoes left by the previous stars.

Superman and Batman. I'm not kidding either.

I won't be surprised if Dinsey bought them. They have the money.

actors? no idea.
i do however think that Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic is a suitable replacement for Tony Stark. as for Captain America? idfk
alternatively they could go bullshit multiverse route and just bring back the characters with different actors
i am STILL fucking mad though that both captain america and iron man were absolutely totally fucking wasted in their potential
>Iron Man: origin movie, mediocre kind-of-adaption of demon in a bottle. shitty bastardization of Iron Man's arch enemy The Mandarin.
>Captain America: very good origin movie, also very good second movie. retarded third movie based on a bad comic by michael bryan "the writer known as bendis" bendis
>armor wars without tony stark, no fucking superior iron man, no fucking infamous iron man, no doomquest, no denny o'neil iron man.
>captain america? no invaders, no nomad story arc, no arc where he fights the schizo bootleg versions of him the government cooked up while he was under ice. no him meeting US Agent
also both of them never got to fight most of their villains
the mcu still has a bunch of good source material they haven't even touched.

>the mcu still has a bunch of good source material they haven't even touched.
Yeah and they're stepping over all of it to start doing 2010-2020 shit for some reason

Well they should have went with Bucky taking up the shield, this negro is an unlikable charisma vacuum. Spidey will eventually fill the Iron Man role as the leader that galvanizes a new Avengers team. That can certainly work, but they didn't succeed in making the potential new members interesting or likeable so far. They should also be getting a new final boss villain. I'm thinking Doctor Doom would be perfect.

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Went back and watched Avengers and Age of Ultron recently, and none of the newer marvel movies come anywhere close. It's pretty wild. Nothing will ever be as good as the Avengers coming back to the tower at the start of Age of Ultron. They can't put any team together that'll match the peak comfiness of the Whedon movies.

> they are limited by the material they have
Try to come up with a new superhero, Marvel Comics probably already invented it. They’ve been doing this bullshit for almost a century.

Superhero fatigue is going to set in. There always has to be some bigger and badder threat to the MCU and it's going to jump the shark eventually.

They need to blow it all up and do the Ultimate Universe where the characters have some edge and are mainly white.

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Why was Iron Man and Captain American killed off instead of being re-casted? They could've easily explained that the Tony Stark snap basically re-casted them into younger dudes lol.

There is a ton of unused material, but very little of it is actually viable to use in the MCU. Just because a comic story exists doesn't mean it will work for live action adaptation, basically everything written from the early 80s prior is unusable as it is too goofy, along with everything written from ~2010 onward as it is just complete garbage that nobody would pay to see. You also have to account for their tendency to speed run through things that should have been multi-movie affairs, like Planet Hulk and the Civil War storyline.

docter strange and spiderman

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They will have to bring them back if they want to continue the capeshit. With Stark (RDJ just doing voice acting,) as an AI program that controls the Iron Legion, and do old, depowered, Gran Torino Steve Rogers running shield.

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There's plenty of great stuff from the 80s they haven't even touched in terms of characters and story ideas
But for some reason they're instead choosing to focus on modern comics for inspiration instead, which is why we're getting a show about Ironheart of all characters


Yeah but they eventually have to return to the original gang. Just look at how many times they've had to bring back Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, and Vision.
Just like with X-Men they have to keep bringing back Wolverine and Cyclops no matter how many new characters they make.

They should cast me as IronMan I am smarter than the fictional character Tony Stark, more handsome than him, but I as flexible I could also do Captain America, or they could make a completely new super hero based on me and make even more money, I just need money to fund my experiments, and why not become an actor? It will sound good in my autobiography.

Stan Lee from beyond the grave

Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Punisher (Ryan Gosling)

yes they have cool characters. but the person in charge of the mcu is a cuck (Feige) and a feminist (Alonso) so they'll just try to keep pushing female protagonists and minorities like they've been doing.

they're trying to get a new ironman and cap. but they want them to be women.

This, they basically did the best storyline from Marvel Comics already that's not X-Men related.

That would be their biggest issue, its way too late in the game to introduce the X-Men properly without going for a full reboot. Universe is just way too established already.

>do old, depowered, Gran Torino Steve Rogers running shield.
oh god they're going to do this in 15 years aren't they

anyway I think they're going to try to set up F4 with Richards as a leading man, and then bring in the X-men next phase and focus around them and maybe Tom Holland if they keep him.

Ms Marvel and America Chavez

Doom isn't believable as a final boss villain no matter how much me saying that hurts Any Forumsfags' feelings. Nobody that is a 'team' villain is a credible threat to the Avengers after Thanos, the only one I can think of that people would actually still buy at this point is maybe Galactus.

Not only that, but Fox already adapted most of the prestigious X-Men stories (Standard Magneto vs. X-Men shit, Wolverine's Weapon X origins, Days of Future Past, Wolverine in Japan)