Mark waid inspired daredevil story

>mark waid inspired daredevil story
welp its over daredevil/fiskposting bros

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oh no

I like the cast so I'd be glad just to see them get a paycheck

Saw that coming a mile away

And just like that any reference to him being a Catholic is gone.

why is the salt meme guy playing daredevil?

They butchered kingpins character in Hawkeye and all the fights are going to be cgi garbage I have zero interest in this I hate Disney so much


>They butchered kingpins character in Hawkeye

What happened? I didn't watch

Pfft hahaha, yeah please adapt Waif’s Nothing-happens-nostalgia run.

They're gearing up for him to be a quiplord in the MCU

>Mark Waid
Wade should have been beaten with pipes and dragged thru a field.

Oh yeah, that's just what everyone wants.

We already have Ben Affleck Daredevil kino

it wasn't the grittiness that made the series good so much as the writing and the characterisation was solid, it could work

They hired completely different writers to be the showrunners of the Disney plus shows. Aside from the cast nothing is going to be the same.

Taylor Swift must be rolling in her grave right now.

The show is going to suck because all the Disney+ Marvel shows suck. They could go for Hard R, grit and gristle, and it would still suck ass.

The shows look cheap, they feel rushed, and the stories told have the graceful execution of a How to Basic video. The Disney+ shows are not the movies. They're an afterthought meant to entice people to subscribe to the abysmal and content lacking Disney+ service. They got lucky when people actually gave a shit about WandaVision, and they managed to fuck all of that up with Doctor Strange 2.

Kevin Feige is stepping away more and more. There are too many projects for him to keep track of, so his oversight (the greatest strength the MCU had) is now lacking across the board. Add on top of all that the disconnect between Disney's creators and Bob Chapek, and you have a recipe for fucking disaster.

So they'll make a Daredevil show with none of the aspects that made the Netflix series popular

Same. Knew this was coming.

Season 2 and 3 were fucking shit who CARES?

I liked WaiDDevil but damn this actually kinda sucks

Comic relief
Quips quips quips

It'd suck even if it had all the gore and violence of the Netflix version. Some woman will be put in charge of writing and it will be mostly about some garbage to do relationship drama and making whatever female character they push. We'll see Matt dawn the suit once in the last episode for all of two minutes before being rescued by Karen at the very end

>Mark Waid the incel keeps winning

in the netflix series he was this enigmatic imposing figure that no one could get to
in hawkeye he's alone and kills someone on a public street and then tries to beat up Vera farmiga before a cgi fight scene happens where Kate blows him up and electrocutes him and then he gets hit by a car and later he's stumbling out alone (not sure why the kingpin wouldn't have someone with him or have someone come get him at least) and echo shoots him

That's extremely, extremely cuckolded. Stop thinking like that.