Is this true Any Forums?? does focusing on continuity hold star wars back?

is this true Any Forums?? does focusing on continuity hold star wars back?
should archaic ideas such as canon and story archs be a thing of the past? and should we just be open to tell new stories, whatever they may be

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That's called bad storytelling, and all the writers who do this should be lined up and shot.

It's supposed to be modern myth and most myths have shit continuity.

I agree.
Go fuck yourself you disingenuous cunt.

i blame the romans

I never cared for Star Wars but that's the ultimate 'I must consume' mentality.

I agree.
Go fuck yourself you disingenuous cunt.

If they were ditching continuity to make something good, I'd begrudgingly accept it. Since they're ditching it to make garbage, it seems incompetent beyond belief

>should we just be open to tell new stories, whatever they may be
Fucking yes. Star Wars should drop Skywalkers and Palpatine and the Empire and tell different stories without trying to connect everything into the same fucking continuity. Kinda like Visions already did.

>Star Wars should drop Skywalkers and Palpatine and the Empire
that sounds gay
nobody gives a fuck about shit unrelated to those things

yeah no more prequel shit, just move into the future, new threats, new heroes, new tech

you chuds need to get with the times and drop your notions of outdated concepts like "internal consistency" and "good movies"

proud queer bipoc should be able to vomit on a screen and make a billion dollars, it's just their turn

>buy George's imagined vision
>throw out what is loved by consumers
what is their end goal in this shit, why did they bother buying the ip instead of making something new?
management behind this whole thing aught be fired.
also hire this guy:

This is why we can't have nice things.

I don't get it, so you Star Wars fags just want Luke and Darth Vader forever?

It would be 10000x times better if obi-wan kenobi would become a sith and one-man-army the empire and then take over the throne. But I guess you can't expect anything original from some bad writers and awful production team.

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Yea they should make guns that shoot out lightsabers and lightshields

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i speak for all fans when i say i wanted Disney to not do anything with the originals, and for them to focus on expanded material such as Dash Rendar and Darth Revan

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Affirmative action writers can't hold a candle to the likes of Zahn or Stackpole

>let's recontextualise our white male character to be a bad person and all the blacks and women around him are better

Yes very interesting writing. Don't people get bored of watching the same story 20 times in a row but in the flavour of a different established franchise?

>"show is better at the expense of its legacy"
sounds like a woman is behind this, where instead of propping both things up, they have to knock down one (usually men or something men created) at the benefit of the other (women or something women created)

That's the Chuck Wendig way of thinking

It's too late, the humpty dumpty egg that is Star Wars can't be fixed.

visions was straight garbage. It was just anime cliches in a star wars wrapper.

Orators would be brutally killed to death if they made changes to the stories, the transfer of them from generation to generation was taken very seriously

Cry more, chud

"it's all fake anyway" is exactly jj Abrahm's attitude, and everything he makes chokes into being unsatisfying, meaning his "product" is always inferior
even from a cold business perspective
not giving a shit about what you make hurts you on the bottom line eventually
why are they so stupid?

>GOT has great worldbuilding and continuity and soidiots and reosties eat it up
>GOT gets bad and worldbuilding is shit and continuity dies and soidiots and roasties get really mad and upset
>SW worldbuilding is shit and there is no continuity
>soidiots/roasties: "NOOOOO you HAVE to i mean you just HAVE to let us do the show this way continuity BAD world building BAD please PLEASE let us make dogshit even though we hold ohters to higher standards DO NOT i repeat DO NOT hold us to higher standards noooooo"

Chuds still defend that Anakin built C3P0, they have no right to seethe about anything Disney does. Nothing can ever be as bad as the Prequels and they killed SW forever.

>Chuds still defend that Anakin built C3P0
what's the issue?

>You watch Star Wars, who cares what you want?
>Anyway go watch our new Star Wars movie

>Nothing can ever be as bad as the Prequels and they killed SW forever.
>the sequel trilogy exists

lmao you just made that up, incel

Extended Universe was never canon.

He's just mad that Darth Vader used to be a child

Disney isn't canon anyway. If you can make something good, I can let canon slide. Can you make something good?

once big bad evil man was once the chosen one, all gloves were off!!

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"canon" doesn't exist
its something nerds make up as part of their parasocial relationship to childrens movies. all of you are like chris chan screaming about the color of sonic's arms.

It was and still is.


each movie is a record of events. That's canon.

If you're going to have Luke and Vader and Obi-Wan, at least try and be consistent. Most people would prefer that they come up with some new stuff already, but they don't do that either

Star Wars is religion. You could discover a portal to a galaxy that matches up exactly to what Lucas described, but if the Han Solo of that galaxy didn't shoot Greedo first we would still say that the real Han shot first. Some truths transcend the mundane, this is the essence that religion is made of. Disney isn't just heresy, it is blasphemous. A mere secular bought title to a silly copyright does not grant the right of priesthood.

This is what the irrelevant and pathetic story group, aka you head canon is valid to my job" want you to think. Basically you got Pre-2014 (minus tcw), and the post 2014 era (with tcw).

They genuinely lack talent, Saying "b-b-but canon doesn't matter!" is a cope for them, because they can't keep track of anything they already wrote, or build on an existing story in any way that feels naturalistic or satisfying. That's nepotism in the industry for you. Maybe they should stop giving all of the work to people they meet at bar mitzvahs.

shut the fuck up and eat my shit
you will like it

watching any star wars movie (or in this case show lmao) not made by george lucas was your first mistake you faggots

Rian Johnson did new stuff but fans rejected it. SW fans only want CG Luke, Vader and Tatooine.

“we don’t want to see vader again! we want to see the stunning magical Rey and her token black best friend!”

It's called plot coherence. If canon doesn't matter, then one scene in a movie doesn't need to follow on logically from the last either.

This was always a stupid idea, as many things in the prequels were. However that user is wrong, they were in no way as damaging to Star Wars as the sequels. The prequels just sort of pissed in the pool, Disney is squatting over the edge dropping massive turds in.

When the first Star Wars film was written and shot , George Lucas had no intention yet of making Darth Vader the father of Luke. It was retconned in the second film and none of you are crying about this.

Rey and Finn aren't new character either.

name one compelling new character rian provided


Heh, the Kenobi writer is 100% a kike, I think RJ johnson is only goy to have written a Star Wars movie since Lucas sold it.

If you don't even want to connect to the original story then just stay as far away as possible from it for fucks sake.
Why do wee need every nano second of Tattooine be told from multiple perspectives when we can just have a story about the old republic or Dune style stories hundreds of years into the future where the original Star Wars are history and legends?
Just stop ruining perfectly good stories good damn it

way better than their canon *in your path*

It's a reach, and it's a convenience to get C3PO into the movie, but it's ultimately not flying in the face of anything that was established, or anything we know about these characters.
Anakin grows up in a junk yard, and he scavenges an old droid who he fixes up for his mother. So what?

Not true user, hating on the prequels was basically cultural zeitgeist for near two decades. The sequel hate is extremely shy compared to it.