See the movie

>see the movie

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>jews want us to think these things were real and chickens descended from them

more like troons keep saying they're fake to poison the well

>they now have yellow beaks
fucking pathetic


The Third Reich had dinosaur fossils displayed in their museums.

>T! t, it's J. Your cousin, J-Rex. You know that new style you're looking for? Well, look at this!

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Imagine being the cuckold popsci troon that drew this pic.
Why would a rex have flappy lips and a long tongue? It would just bite its own lips and tongue off. Crocodile tongues are attached to the bottom of their mouth.

>seethe movie

>the Atrociraptors had names

>"See the movie"
wow, what subtle marketing genius.



>Jurassic Park
>all the dinos are from the Triassic Period

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And exactly what do jews achieve with this elaborate ruse hmmm?

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Velociraptors was a broad name for raptors just like jurassic was a broad term for dino era, paleontologists just changed it so they could say "akshually, the movie is wrong because...".
And its not like those werent meaningless made up terms in the begining.
Unlike terms like calling gothic to franciscan and romanesque to actual gothic wich makes zero sense and yet everyone on a professional level does it, from modern art to architecture.

This, look at a hippos skeleton, you'd never guess in a million years what it actually looks like

Soulless vs SOVL

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Still definitely a viscious killer but absolutely.

Don't you fucking love the heckin science?

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>22oz large drink
How did Americans live like this

Hahaha old dinosaur art is so stupid. Shrink-wrapping retards just slap on some skin and call it done.

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I cannot believe people still buy this shit. Billions of years, billions, with a B.


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I wish shrink-wrapping retartists would watch a documentary about what real dinosaurs look like instead of their outdated bullshit. I just can't understand how someone can be so stupid.

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No thanks!

For me its the proterozoic and paleozoic eras, get back to me when they make those kinos.

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I'm sorry, user, they were real and they were meant to be ridden by humans as God intended.

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>I cannot believe people still buy this shit
>proceeds to believe in 2000 years old jewish book of fairytales and that earth is flat and is 5000 years old
This irony is agonizing.

The old Jurassic Park art was so fucking kino.

Shitty political compass.

Why wouldn't you?

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Sorry I'm not mentally stunted low IQ retard like most religion fags.
The joke writes itself.

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But you are a religion fag, user.