First half good, second half bad

First half good, second half bad.

>Inb4 midwitt
pretentious faggot.

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both parts... good?

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>First half good
>second half bad.

The film is pure, 100% shit. Easily Kubrick's worst.

>pretentious faggot
what the fuck is "pretentious" about the second half of FMJ?


Nothing. But people that like the second half are usually pretentitous, because they think everybody else that only like the first half aren't as smart as they are

Trips of truth

second half is pretty good. However the last 15 minutes of the movie is garbage

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Emery is the only thing worth watching. The Deer Hunter has better combat scenarios and they only last 2 mins.

It's what you get shooting Vietnam in London with shit actors.

>comfy vietnam slice of life is… le bad!!!

Both halves good

>Easily Kubrick’s worst

I don’t know user, did you see Lolita? I’m not sure why he decided to film that book when obviously with censors, no director could do the story justice, not even the best director of all time.


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>Inb4 midwitt
>pretentious faggot.
I think even crediting you as a "mid" would be generous, you mouth-breathing cretin.

I won't call you a midwitt, but I'll call you a midwit with the correct spelling

First half Chuck, second half Sneed.

>Inb4 midwitt
pretentious faggot.


I only like the first half, but it's probably because the first time I saw it was the day before Christmas break. I was in ROTC as a freshman. It was 1988, so all of our instructors were Vietnam vets.
The bell rang right after Pyle blew his brains out..
Then they said, "Merry Christmas! See after the break!" As far as I'm concerned, that's where the movie ends.
