It's up

It's up

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I think instead of watching this, I’m gonna watch an actual movie. Thanks though!

Don't care he's a unfunny faggot

guys shite
so 2017
One gag repeated endlessly
Cheap Plinkett

He wants to be Plinkett so bad it's unreal. It's also funny how if you watch his old videos he didn't put on his gay accent so hard. Idk why he thinks the same 3 clips are so funny too

Any Forumss favorite youtuber

I wonder if he regrets doing the drunk schtick. It must get tiring, and personally I can’t watch his videos anymore as it just feels so forced and unfunny.

More like Any Forums's boogeyman.
>calls out communism & jewish propaganda
Every time.

Serious question. Is this guy gay? I can't really tell from his Instagram account.

What a quirky personality trait. No one has ever thought about drinking and talking about movies before. So edgy. I hope when I turn 21 I can be this cool.

Off topic, but what does Any Forums think of Razörfist?

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Fuck this negative nelly and his fucking repetitive joke clips of Mila Jovovich laughing pitched up or down and poopoo pee pee throw up or JJJ saying "you serious?" Fuck the algorithm for making this guy blow up.

>Cheap Plinkett
the most accurate description of this idiot

have hidden him on youtube
he's not an asshole but i don't like his style or content.

These faggots all follow the same path anyway.

1. Make edited review videos that are kinda interesting and funny, your mileage may vary.

2. As soon as they get any kind of following get invited onto stream with other faggot reviewers who nobody cares about anymore. They need new blood to try to stay relevant.

3. Streams suck away 18 hours of their day, every day, so they don't have time to make edited videos that got them any interest in the first place.

4. Try to make Youtube career and become dependent on it.

5. Have to stream and make videos just to make money now, so their videos are perfunctory and shit.

How every stream starts:
1. Technical issues.
2. Introducing all the faggots and their stupid in-jokes.
3. Saying hi to every single one of their inner-circle of dicklickers like a fucking roll call that goes on forever, in the hope it will make them feel special and get them more superchats from whales.
4. You're half an hour in on 2x speed bored out of your mind and still not on actual promised topic.
5. So many faggots in stream all trying to glom onto one another interjecting their own gay bullshit the conversation wanders off into shit you don't care about all the time, and even when someone says something you do care about the most pathetic faggot will interrupt with their gay bullshit.
6. Some dickhead will make them an intro or in-jokes with their faces on movie characters of whatever and then they'll take another 20 minutes talking about that and laughing among themselves.
7. Some faggot will get a sound board and keep pressing it and interrupting the flow of the conversation with annoying 'applause' or laughter, or stupid movie quote or sound.
8. Talk about how many subscribers they have and how many they want, as if you give a fuck about their other 99,999 subscribers anyway. At least MSM doesn't keep telling you that shit all the time.
9. Crap on about what they're drinking as if you care or are going to think they're cool.

don't insult Any Forums like that

Okay if you like Dennis Miller style humour, (I do).

At least he gets right to the point, talks fast, and doesn't waste my fucking time or hang out with the in-crowd too much. See I don't watch his streams unless it's a game I'm interested in like Mechwarrior.
Shockingly mostly not a faggot, only dresses like one.

based, thanks!

like him, itsagundam, drinker (but yeah his accent is grating). not a fan of nerdrotic or jeremy but i'll put em on for noise. whos a video game guy like them (aka not woketard commie larpers)?

Kek seething. Admit it you're just jealous you can't make money off of shit talking disney on a live stream

spot on

Nerdrotic is fine when he's doing a straight planned video about a single topic. It's only when he's spending the other 28 hours of his day streaming with fucktards his shit gets annoying.

As for G&G, anyone who says, "It's your boy here ... ", at the start of a video is a fucking faggot.

I have a bunch of them in my RSS feeds and they all talk about the same topics and the retards have the exact same opinions, so I don't need to watch them when I already know what they're going to say, so I can just delete most of them and maybe listen to one or two if I'm interested in topic or there's breaking news.

So you are saying he is a literal-who like RLM, so definitely is not /tv related.

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I like when he talks about noir and pulps.

>like him, itsagundam, drinker
oh so you like the "WOMEN/POC IN MY MEDIA REEEEEEEEEEEEE I'M OWED SEX" type of content huh

I like Drinker and Razor. I came for the snarky humor, I stayed for the surprisingly insightful criticism. I've enjoyed every movie I've watched from Drinker's recommendations, and ditto for Razor's pulp recommendations. Also, Razor's Shadow audiobook is genuinely impressive for a one-man show.

Anyway, I'm sure Any Forums will call me a midwife basic bitch.

*midwit basic bitch
And a filthy phoneposter, as well.

Not a fan but he knows about lot about pop culture shit, unlike literal grifter

PROTIP: Best way to sort through the pile of shit these faggots put out. RSS feeds like I mention above, picrel.

Never have to click on 95% of their shit, can just read titles, avoid clickbait bullshit, repetition, monitor lolcows like Sterling without even giving him a subscription, can get feeds from other sites in same list, etc.

Don't be niggercattle for Youtube, any video platfom, Youtube fags themselves, and other kikes. Keep your own subscriber list that can't be fucked with, deleted, added to, and organise it the way you want.

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Damn it's like 2006