In 25-50 years you will just hook your neuralink brain implant up to a computer and ask it to generate a movie based on...

In 25-50 years you will just hook your neuralink brain implant up to a computer and ask it to generate a movie based on parameters of your choice and an AI will make it. Human “creativity” will be dead. Free will will be dead. This WILL happen in 75 years especially if you keep training the AI

Attached: 5AB2639A-C315-4951-B891-6642D7698BAF.jpg (717x717, 154.35K)

Good, that means I will finally be able to watch Korean porn

25? Give it 10 at the most. We’re fucked

Don't care, busy getting spitroasted by futa Eva Green and Lola Bunny

A solar flare will destroy all electronics within 10 years, stupid.

Kek don’t give me hope

What is the best way to protect data from the solar flares bros??

Same way Indian Joe survived the nuke, hide in a led lined refrigerator.

I will make a two hour special of mark hammil doing extremely homophobic stand-up while smoking butts that were fished from a trash can and play it on loop

>computer, create "white male protagonist has an adventure but isn't demeaned by racially diverse side characters"
>ERROR, blacklisted premise detected

Is that the plot of the new Houellebecq novel? Where's the degenerate sex and muslim hate?

Faraday cage but its not guaranteed

I am waiting for this to happen. I'm going to ask an AI what life would be like if I married my highschool girlfriend and had kids with her instead of sperging out and losing her. Then I'm going to kill myself.

freeze in ice

In big underground vaults

>people will still argue that this looks/sounds good
Jesus christ just let Hamill leave with whatever dignity he has left

>This WILL happen in 75 years
I'd say 15

based, will get one of these

>computer, generate 100-hour epic covering the entire Horus Heresy
>alright good, good, now gender-swap all the characters
>increase the Empress's breast size. Bigger. Bigger. Good.
>computer, disengage the safety protocols

>computer, generate a film where everyone in the world is a precocious loli except the main character, who looks and acts exactly Iike me

My hs girlfriend died in her sleep few years after graduation, I wanted to marry her, never got over it now I hang out with you assholes trying to meme a nuclear Holocaust into reality
When it happens if I survive I plan on blasting and cannibalizing as many of you as I can before doing a perfect quadruple backflip deep dive into hell

No. Art, and aesthetics in general, belongs to those who seek to strength their relationship with God. It's the reason all the most beautiful art in the world was created by Christians. Computers lack a soul and can never create art, neither can corporations. Look around and see His truth.

Attached: la pieta.jpg (2000x1333, 440.42K)

>Human “creativity” will be dead. Free will will be dead.
Doesn't matter, at least I will be able to watch a movie without trannies, blacks and women.


Sorry user.

Ok boomer

Art styles from different high cultures have different aims. Western art is more beautiful to me but probably not to a Hindu

You'll still be the director of what's generated. So, no, creativity won't be dead.

Point out the flaws.

>cow worshiping street shitters can't appreciate aesthetics
I'm glad we agree.

Attached: Saint Longinus.jpg (2136x2848, 1.3M)

back when metal gear solid and splinter cell came out I thought something similar as you about stealth games OP
that was 20 years ago it aint happening 25 years from now it is just nigger cannibals we will be long since eaten haha

I'd bet an ai could generate a 40k movie better than anything humans could ever hope to create

There are almost 3 billion females over 18 around the world, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and get a new girlfriend already, fag.
>But she was le unique & my other halferino

I'm actually looking forward to being able to get full novels and short stories in the perfect replicated style of whatever writer I like. You want to see Jules Verne do a Tarzan story? No problem. Wanna read Star Wars by Edgar Rice Burroughs? Done. Timed Watcher doing a sequel to Lolita starring Spinelli and YOU? EZPZ. The sky is going to be the limit.

Keep some spare water chips amirite???????

Sculpture isnt even the highest form of western art

I'd take AI/machine learning generated comics, shows, and movies over modern day western media any day of the fucking week. You can have your muh human creativity and the pozz that comes with it, all I ask is just let the rest of us who want to opt out, fucking leave. Don't try to get this miracle technology banned.

This is the only way Berserk can be finished without butchering the shit out of it.

Trad tards think western art began and ended with roman statues

I want Top Gun by Mishima, i need to see if it can get any more homoerotic.

>began and ended

>dude, it's a stone that looks like a guy!

>And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Of course it is. It's the art form that most closely resembles God's creation of Man.

Attached: Mary, Mother of Christ.jpg (2048x2732, 998.5K)

This was honestly what I was most impressed by in Boba Fett, you really couldn't tell it wasn't CGI.

>Human “creativity” will be dead
It already is in the English speaking world, I for one welcome our upcoming AI generated entertainment

There are so many wrong statements here. Roman statues are not even “western” art, theyre hellenistic and I can point out various differences. Hellenistic art reflects their static unchanging view of the cosmos, whereas in western art we see a dynamic and ever expanding universe. The highest form of Western art therefore is the fugue.

>goes back to jerking off to crudely drawn cartoons and being depressed every single day

I'm sure it'll all be censored to hell. It's really not that hard to censor ai.

>you really couldn't tell it wasn't CGI.
these double negative is a nightmare if you are ESL haha
fuck English

Have you ever wondered if entertainment is limitless because we have the movies of failed civilizations like Atlantis?

Then why was it abandoned so quickly in favor of painting and music? Lol

>why is the art form that takes the most discipline, commitment, patience and mastery abandoned for easier things as we strayed further from God's light
real scooby doo mystery you got there user

this is true. There is no more creativity. Look at copyright laws. Look at modern art, look at cinema, look at video games. Its all just constant remaking, redoing, re-envisioning shit. Theres nothing new really happening. No ones trying their own thing.

Everyone is just filling a niche that already exists and and attempting to attract the vultures from a rotting corpse to a fresh one.

AI would unironically generate better content than 99% of modern creators. No more woke shit. No more ugly/untalented diversity quota actors. No more “subversive” storytelling.

>parameters of your choice
quite the optimist
personally I have no hope for Harem of the 15 year olds, second part to Harem of the 14 year olds