New cast members for Netflix One Piece were just announced

New cast members for Netflix One Piece were just announced

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I don't care.

fucking pronouns

>half of the cast is British
every time

i will not support flatwashing

Attached: live action nami.jpg (1260x1020, 562.32K)

Into the fucking trash it goes.

Attached: Inoue Shirakura.jpg (2048x1152, 203.35K)

Now kiss


>live action
>one piece

Pronouns are the biggest forced commie garbage

Uhh.. Kaya is not supposed to be an old hag

Disappointed Nojiko is a nog, but at least she isn't one of those hideous ones they like to put in everything

Cheff Zeff casting is absurdly well fitting..

Why do they insist on telling us what a heteronormative, cismale/female preferred pronouns are nowadays?

These woke fucks better not tone down the fan service. If you're ashamed of the source material and what it stands for, don't fucking adapt it.

What the fuck do the pronouns even mean? Are they meant to be for the actors or for the characters they play?

For being a nigger, she really got some small eyes. Where's she from?

They better have big boobas

the absolute state of incels ITT

source of image? looks home made.

They're trying to normalize it as a normal part of introductions.

My sister is a doctor and she absolutely has to introduce herself with pronouns when running rounds with the new interns because the younger generation is fucking crazy

Might just be a Cali thing, but no doctor is going to risk their license over not towing the line so they all just do it.

Ok groomer

>that Nojiko
And there it goes
Not like it was there at any point, it comes from nigflix after all

It's to normalize the nonbinary xirs who want you to call them something you wouldn't immediately think of.

What are they going to do for the non human characters?
New voice actors?