Scrubs Revival Confirmed by Series Creator Bill Lawrence

>‘Scrubs’: Creator Bill Lawrence Says “We’re Gonna Do” A Revival; Donald Faison Says A Movie Would Work Best

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That last/reboot season tainted the show, not sure if it could come back

JD get ipad


>That last/reboot season tainted the show, not sure if it could come back
Considering it was already proto sjw 20 years ago I dunno if that would be wise either
I loved it's original run but yeah that last spin off season sucked and you know their going to have a pedo masonic kiddie fiddler trans episode

I agree with Donald, a movie would be better

Please no just let it alone

but the least season was ass

>Scrubs 2022
>it's an Elliot gets labeled a terf episode


>A member of the audience asked what the characters would be doing today, and Reyes jumped to reply.
>“I think Turk and JD finally come out,” Reyes said as the room erupted in celebration.
it’s all so tiresome

Oh dear God, no.

>a shitty workplace comedy "movie"

Let's write some episodes
>Ted becomes trans
>Kelso and Todd get #metoo'd and replaced with women
>Cox's son shoots up a school after Jordan puts him on Adderall and SSRIs
>Shirley goes to a police protest and burns down the hospital after things get a bit too peaceful
>Carla's brother gets deported

Ted died a while ago, user

season 9 was shit and the actors have become way too old who the fuck wants this

>men cannot be friends without having sex with each other
Women really don't have relationships outside of sexual ones, do they?

Yeah. Trans people tend to do that. That's why he was suicidal in so many episodes.



April 30, 2020

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dear god, don't let it be like the friend's live reunion disaster

JD sleeps with a ridiculous number of girls throughout the show and spent most of it pining after Eliot. Turk is happily married. And assuming the video thing in the proper finale, JD gets married too.

Why does Hollyjew constantly put people in charge of projects that they neither like nor understand in the slightest?

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Judy Reyes just played Carla you fucking retard.

>no flash/arrow team up game

Dr. Cox's actor said he needed the money because his retarded kid is way too retarded