Was Tarantino trying to say that he doesn't tip?

was Tarantino trying to say that he doesn't tip?

Or that its a dick move not to tip.

Attached: DZdQngNX4AAozYm.jpg (480x270, 26.22K)

he was trying to say it's not his problem

very Any Forums of him

It's hypocritical for a bunch of criminals to claim to be morally superior to others when they literally kill people and break the law.

If I stop at a bar and get a couple drinks I usually tip like $2-3, but if I go to a nice restaurant and spend $60 on myself I've always given $7 or $8 at the most in tip. Someone told me recently that was a dick move.

Working for tips is essentially gambling that your paycheck will be more than minimum wage.

It's not. We need to stop tipping in the US altogether.

I only tip if waitress smiles at me

imo i don't think there was any deeper significance behind this scene, tarantino just thinks its cool for gangsters to talk about ordinary shit in a funny way, and it's an opportunity to accentuate the action scenes by having these mundane lulls in between them

Why would be drink six cups of coffee during a single meal

bend the coffee like beckham wagie!!!

Attached: 1651257216013.webm (720x1080, 2.46M)

its one thing not to tip and another to give an essay on the essence of tipping when asked to contribute

was the psyop about making wagies faceless?

im going to rip your eyeballs out

>oop, too bad wagie no tips this time

While it might seem absurd for a bunch of gangsters planning a robbery to be having a debate about the morality of tipping, to them, there's nothing strange about it at all.
Mr Pink is the only one who's being consistent, but even he feels the need to add some moral context to his position (it's all the government's fault, many other low wage jobs don't have tipping). The ridiculous thing I think is supposed to be the other gangsters breaking Pink's balls, as if they're angels. But more than that, it's just a funny scene partly because the tipping situation in America is kinda funny in itself

This entire scene plays out like a Any Forums thread.

Found the server.
Go tell your boss to give you more money poorfag.

I want to fuck her.

i want to save her

Retard, youre supposed to be paid higher wages, not tips.

it was making the character interesting

I dont tip mainly because all women are whores and I dont want to enable a bunch of nigger fucking sluts with easy pocket change

>at restaurant leaving
>placed $100 bill on table
>wagie goes to grab it
>yank it away on the string i had attached to it

making the transition to robots easier since youll be conditioned to not expect a face

>I'd give you a tip but it seems you have things covered