
>I'm really uncomfortable with that language
>It sounds actually deeply transphobic to me.
Why does truth bother the type of people featured in this documentary?

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Years of bunkertrannies shitting up the board and you still haven't realized how nutso they are?

Because objectivity is the enemy of the modern leftist

If there can be such a thing as an agreed upon objective truth, it doesn't leave space for their own fucktarded interpretations or moral relativity. It means some cultures are better than others, some races are better than others, and that the sexes have hard, provable, measurable biological differences.

This offends the modern leftist because it means they will never be a woman. They will never be beautiful. They will never be an alpha. They will never be allowed to have sex with children. They will never be able to make everyone believe the races are equal. They won't be able to reinterpret everything until it loses all meaning.

The concept of truth is quite literally terrifying to a modern leftist.

same as religious people

Because obviously nobody agrees on what "truth" constitutes. It's loaded as fuck.

Are we posting on Any Forums right now user?

Why are lefties so violent and mentally unfit?

But the interviewer was asking the guy for his version of the truth. His opinion. He just asked him for simple definitions, and he couldn’t do it.

I’m actually the direct opposite. I say what I want and am willing to get violent if necessary.

The documentary doesn’t engage transgenderism or make any real attempt to refute it. Instead it paints opposition in the style of rhetoric to maintain/reinforce a situation where two groups of people are using the same sounding words, but speaking different languages, and keeping them screaming at each other with no chance of reconciliation or a meeting of minds. Which is how every “political” issue is constructed.

Because he was attempting to begin an actual dialogue, establish terms. If the filmmaker had started with “can you define woman without using the word woman” then a dialogue could’ve been achieved.

The documentary shows that leftists are liars. They all know what a woman is but won't admit it due to political reasons.

It's impossible to converse with a lifeform which won't agree that words have meaning. The story of the tower of Babel must have been referring to leftists.

letterboxd is going full shut it down mode on anyone who posts a positive review of it

>this guy is a professor at the University of Tennessee
>their motto is "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

>The documentary doesn’t engage transgenderism or make any real attempt to refute it.
Did you skip the middle part where all they talked about was how 1. Most teens who transition don't have dysphoria, 2. It's not obvious that "gender affirmation therapy"(or whatever) is the best treatment for dysphoria and 3. Pharmaceutical companies make bank off of transitions?

>People Arguing Semantics For 2 Hours: The Movie

truly a riveting premise

Having a different idea isn’t lying, my autistic friend.

Healthy at any size was a thing for a while. People wanted it to be true, but it just wasn’t.

Today I will remind them.

Transgender cultists and kosher boshers gaslight vulnerable people into thinking that hormones and surgery are the only way for them to be happy, that they were born in the "wrong body" and that the way to start living as their "true selves" is through experimental surgery. The gender identity lie makes it easy for them to convince anyone with even a single atypical interest that they were really "meant to be" the opposite sex. The guaranteed state mandated acceptance and constant positive reinforcement from the media and their fellow grooming victims helps sell the con, too. But in reality there's no genuine appeal. HRT is ugly serum that makes you fat and ruins your skin, it doesn't "feminize". The "bottom surgery" is simply genital mutilation. It can't give you a real vagina. They absolutely do not need surgery or hormones to start loving the way they were born. Boys don't need to cease being male to feel pretty. Girls don't need to cease being female to feel athletic. The gender identity construct is inherently limiting. It tells people they need to change themselves to express any feelings they have that don't fall in line with the socially accepted parodies that our media considers "masculine" and "feminine". It's sad that people get tricked into hating and destroying themselves like this just to appease sexist stereotypes, even moreso that a lot of them are kids. If we had positive femboy and tomboy rolemodels rather than these transgender groomers telling everyone that self esteem is achieved through hormones and surgery, I think you'd see a lot more happy people who accept that they don't fit into gender stereotypes and a lot less miserable mutilation victims who insist on being called something they're not. The world becomes a better place when we celebrate tough girls and sensitive boys who break the mold while invalidating this meaningless and dangerous fad.

Nobody argued semantics.

I mean there's nothing more unscientific than the idea of truth. Everyone knows science is founded on just.. Whatever you feel like. Like physics.

Because only the drugs of society fall for the lefty psyop. The more well adjusted but still naive only fall for the righty pysop. And the truly wise realize both are psyops and know that the true enemy of all humankind, the entity destroying all nations, is the clique of kikes who own the federal reserve.

What idea?

>men and women are what science says they are
>b-but don't trust le evil vaccines
Make up your damn mind. You either trust science or you don't.

You don't have to remind us. This thread is an echo chamber for you trannies to agree.

I thought the entire premise was to define the word "woman". If they don't argue about semantics then it seems a derailed film.

Science is a method. The scientific method was never used to prove safety of efficacy for the covid shots. This isn't even debatable, Pfizer and crew literally admitted to falsifying the data and that they never ran the studies they claimed to run.

I watched the entire documentary and was not aware of any segment that made anything resembling those points. Gender identity dysphoria isn’t even in the DSM anymore, so obviously people aren’t going to be diagnosed with it.

that pasta is wholly anti-tranny, illiterate user.

>They will never be an alpha.
Shouldn't have included this one. A lot of men on the right try to bend the definition so they can fit inside it. Most of them are literal betabux and they sure as hell aren't leaders, but they'll tell you being alpha is a state of mind (that they just happen to possess) and other pathetic copes. Or this one for that matter:
>They will never be beautiful.
Go on Any Forums (HUGE overlap of Any Forums users) and tell them that a person's beauty is mostly determined by their genes and that there's no gym for your face, frame and height, and watch them work themselves into a seethe.

Everyone is insecure like that.

Those who practice falsehood tend to hate truth because it threatens to reveal and disempower them.

It's transphobic to assert objective truth. For the modern left, it's about "my truth" and "your truth". I might not agree with it, but I understood why he got so offended.


Why would a dysphoria not be in the DSM when it's inherently affecting someone's mental state?

shoulda shown the africans some tranny porn

>The documentary doesn’t engage transgenderism or make any real attempt to refute it.

ok retard, cats are dogs and the sky is blu

He was offended because he was put in a position where he could be eaten alive by his own if he happened to answer in a way that might imply there is an objective truth. That's why they get so offended it's a self protection from the own groups they support.

The premise is that leftism is an inherently dishonest ideology. Leftists throw tantrums over the word "truth" and will talk in circles to avoid stating the obvious.

It's not even possible to argue semantics with leftists because they refuse to allow meaningful definition of words.

Because lobbyists got it taken out. If it's not a diagnosis then you can't be sued for misdiagnosis. It was an important step for them because every diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" could be proven a misdiagnosis in court, so they had to make sure that when they pushed these drugs and surgeries onto people it couldn't bite them in the ass later.

>trannies still trannying it up
>conservatives still being conservatives
this jewish documentary has no real impact. i also checked out the guys twitter and he tweets non stop about leftists and trannies

See? You responded with rhetoric instead of any sort of argument.



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>1. Lonely misfit teens who become trans because its trendy or got groomed in discord
>2. I forgot lmao
>3. They do these at $70000 a pop

Do you think he posts on Any Forums?

It is in DSM V. It's called "gender dysphoria". It was renamed from the previous "gender identity disorder".

A man saying he's a woman is a liar, not a person with different ideas

See? There’s a great argument that would’ve been in the documentary if it was attempting to actually engage with and disprove transgenderism.

>What is a woman?
>Somebody who identifies as a woman
>But what is that?
>A woman.
>Someone who identifies as one.

>i also checked out the guys twitter and he tweets non stop about leftists and trannies
He literally tweeted some fan art with a bunch of wojaks. I fucking hate these terminally online right wingers, they're as cringe as the tranny side of twitter.

… so practically nothing?

You might enjoy this article. It was on Medium but got nuked when lefties decided they were totally okay with conversion therapy that targets LGB people now.


As far as I can tell it's disproving leftism. The transgender topic is used to show that leftists are liars.

Maybe you can't define woman without using the word woman.
Maybe a spade is just a spade.

The entire point of this documentary was to let the leftists out themselves as manipulative liars.

Tell me, what is a woman?

>4. Turns 25
>5. Realizes that now matter how much you mutilate your body to become something you're not you'll still never be happy
>6. Realize that you've sterilized yourself because other mentally ill people on the internet convinced you to
>7. Join the 41%

You have to atleast admit that being anti-religious in the 00's wouldn't blacklist u from jobs. The extremely religious often had very little real social power. And the ones that did have power weren't serious enough to care. Not so with the tranny orthodoxy.

You’re displaying autistic ideation. Are the people who believed heathy at any size liars or simply mistaken?

>The documentary doesn’t engage transgenderism or make any real attempt to refute it. Instead it paints opposition in the style of rhetoric to maintain/reinforce a situation where two groups of people are using the same sounding words, but speaking different languages, and keeping them screaming at each other with no chance of reconciliation or a meeting of minds. Which is how every “political” issue is constructed.

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>another thread where chuds bash trans folk
Meds, touch grass, have sex. In that order.

She also has a great piece about how she ended up in those spaces herself and broke free from it.

Doesn’t really have the same effect now that Pfizer data dumps are a thing. I can just see the lies they told for myself.

There’s no such thing as “leftism” as you see it. It’s a boogeyman concept.

>t. ranny who didn't watch the movie

Thanks, normal person.