So I've just watched 1 and 2. Does this ever get any better...

So I've just watched 1 and 2. Does this ever get any better? Jason fucking sucks (so far but also no hockey mask yet) I don't even get how they got to make a part 3 and so on and this is called a slasher? It is tame as fuck and boring as fuck.

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The series peaked during Part 3,4,and 6.

Part 2 is the best in the series

I watched parts 1 to 4 a couple years back and they were all kinda bland (of those, 4 was the least bad).

Then I watched Jason X a month ago because of this gif and I had a blast. Freddy vs Jason was fun too.

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Filtered! First one is pure atmospheric comfy. 2nd one is even better. Fuck off with gay zombie Jason!

Best friday 13th is Freddy Vs Jason as its more like nightmare on elm street with abit of friday 13th.

The first one has a charm to it, hardly the best of the genre, but still decent.

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I honestly think the first Halloween is boring, poorly paced shit.

Part 4 is my favorite so keep watching.

I love POV shots and comfy backwoods of New Jersey. I hated they kept moving Chrystal Lake. 3rd movie is even worst since it’s all a fake ass set


Yep. 1 and 2 are just old school slashers. 3 is when he gets the mask and ain't bad but the obvious scenes where there is supposed to be a 3d effect can be a little annoying. Friday 4 is the most popular of the serious ones, as it's when it all coles together

6 is goofy but probably my favorite. 7-9 op will probably have mixed feelings about. X is fun, as is FvJ. The reboot is probably top 5 for the series and is probably the best 00s horror reboot

It's fine. It is definetly held in a higher light then it would've been without Donald pleasance and the theme.

I still hold 3 to he the best Halloween movie, and Rob zombies H1 the best Meyers one

The mind numbing repetitive copy and pasted simplicity of these movies are part of the appeal. It's comfy watching the exact same movie 12 times in a row. You either get it or you don't, you do not.

its true. black christmas is superior

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I like jason and friday but its not as cool as nightmare none of the films have the imagination of the nightmare films, its always jason stumbling around killing people except for jason goes to hell which is him taking over other peoples bodies . Nightmare has way cooler ideas and lore than Gayday the 13th cock up your ass film series.

saw this for the first time last christmas. that eye scene scared the shit out of me.

They are apple and oranges. Before Jason went bullshit zombie, him and his mom had no powers. Just killing counselors. Freddy is supernatural. Yes, a cool concept that went to shit fast

>Gayday the 13th cock up your ass film series.
>says this when a faggot on elm street 2: aids revenge exists

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You dare greentext what I said and post a reply to me nobody does that to me and gets away with it , enjoy your last 13 hours 13minutes and 13 seconds of your life faggot, im coming

I hope not. Can you explain why you think so? If this is the BEST god I do not want to know what the others are like.
Jason is a complete idiot.
>He is still mentally a kid, what do you expect

If someone is hiding underneath a bed I do NOT need to climb onto a chair to stab them with my pitchfork. I just stab the pitchfork through the bed.
Seriously why the fuck did he climb onto a chair to stab someone who is underneath a bed just so that the chair can break and stupid Jason falls down.
Or hey I just hide behind a bush and Jason wants to run by but instead I kick him in the balls and he rolls down the hill.
This film sucked so fucking hard on every level.

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