Alien = Aliens > Alien 3 = Alien Covenant > AvP > Alien Resurrection > Prometheus = AvP2

Alien = Aliens > Alien 3 = Alien Covenant > AvP > Alien Resurrection > Prometheus = AvP2

I'm tired of pretending it's anything other

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Alien = Aliens > I don't care


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oh my god he's right

Isn't this pretty much universally agreed upon?

Also if you want a good sequel to Aliens, check out William Gibson's script for a third Alien movie. Much better than what we got.

Listening to the audio drama right now, it's damn good.

Love the inclusion of the Union of Progressive Peoples.

How's the assembly cut of Alien 3? I unironically can't get it anywhere without paying some scalpel.

Marathoned the series recently. Alien, Alien 3 and Covenant are the most enjoyable on rewatch.

Didn't know they made one, I'll have to find it

I'm actually surprised how much more enjoyable Covenant is than Prometheus to rewatch. I think maybe its the better casting.

MEW needs to play a cute, apparently cold-hearted, but secretly sensitive, WY corporate rep.

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It's much better than the original, but that isn't saying much. It's still a C- flick. Any Forums loves to suck the Assembly Cut's cut dick, for some reason.

It manages to make Dillon even less likeable, exactly because it shows us more of his character.

was going to link it but it's already been pruned from youtube

>pulse rifle analogue

I wonder why none of the later films stuck to the Alien/Aliens/Alien 3 aesthetic

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After 3 failed, subsequent filmmakers wanted to do their own thing to try and shake up the formula
Not realizing that 3's failure wasn't down to the aesthetics and feel of the movie

Covenant is not good, not near alien 3 tier.

The Jurassic Parkification of old horror movies is a great sin.

based Alien 3 connoisseur

My gf wouldn't finish watching it after the attempted gangrape scene

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She could also play… MY WIFE

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That's funny. My GF got into it more after the gang rape scene.

good luck with that

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