If you like any of these films, its why women won't fuck you

If you like any of these films, its why women won't fuck you.

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What's a woman?

I don't "like" "films"

And NOT because I'm a shut-in who never interacts with anybody? Good to know.

>the movie ends with the white guy claiming a woman as his property and living happily ever after
>examples are Predator, First Blood, and The Terminator

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None of the movies shown for 1980s White Guy Action Hero Movies do what they described them to do.

Sweet bait, however it should include art film and horror films, unironically

dfghnd fhjsdz gjasetu a35 uyae sdfvb aer thwe5yu a35uasgfnh fbmngjk,yils7 ia3e54 yarzdxvb xcvndf

>Somebody made this
Why do women seethe so much?

Whoever wrote this meme deserves to be shot

chicks love gattaca

falling down is pure incel tho

Added everything to my watchlist. Women are nothing but a waste of time and energy so the less I deal with them the better.

i love most of these but I’m neither white nor attracted to women so it’s fine.

Dude was fucking his own sister

This gotta be bait.

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The funny thing about this list is it’s actually pretty varied and kino meanwhile the list for white women would be full of garbage chick flicks and kids movies

I like these films and I have a gf
why are you so insecure op? never seen pussy irl?

a nigcel made this

>This gotta be bait.
You solved the case, Sherlock


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i will now watch your kino (seen most of them)

oh boy do I feel silly

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>someone took time out of their day to make this
Fuck I hate society