Post franchises without a single kino

Post franchises without a single kino

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Pic not related

Never watched Jason 6 I presume

6 is shit.

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you have worst taste than your father

you start

Post disney marvel shit

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OP forgot to start

Star wars and LOTR

4 and 5 are great.

6 is absolutely soulless. It's too high budget and overly produced. The kills are absolute garbage, the camp setting filled with screeching autistic kids is the anthesis of comfy.

Complete trash

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>4, 5 & 6, X, FvJ
>without a single kino
Develop taste

never watched f13 4 I guess...

7 was always my favorite

All 8 of the original F13 films are kino. The series went to shit after New Line took it over from Paramount.


1-3 are supermax comfy but OP is right.

Just about all the popular horrors series are nothing but garbage like Saw and The Purge.

You already started off with the king. So many movies and not a single one above 7/10.

X is fucking kino
however you are right in that every other movie is shit

Nobody likes the 2nd one? I haven't seen it since I was little but I just assumed it was the one people liked cause its the first with Jason. The original is hilarious.

I see your Friday the 13th and raise you Halloween.

Never watched Part 2 I see.

The original Halloween is the only good slasher besides maybe Scream. The entire theme is horror kino

Never watched Halloween II I see

Harry Potter

FvJ is gigachad god tier

3rd is the best, but 4th, 5th, 6th and even 7th have quite a bit going for them. OP is just a typical contrarian retard. Oh wow I'm so unique.