Why is it so good?

Why is it so good?

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Nice interplay between Bradders and the chasers.
Doesn't take twenty minutes to get started like fucking Pointless does because the hosts have to ask for the full life story of 8 contestants.

just anuvva day in the office innit

what they chasing?

Beast = Dark Destroyer > Governess > Sinnerman > Menace >>>>> Vixen

You cannot refute this.

I wake up and watch The Chase clips on youtube whilst eating my Shreddies. Throughout the afternoon I scour message boards and comment sections related to The Chase and contribute as much as I can to the The Chase community. I get giddy around 4pm because I know The Chase is going to be on TV soon. Mum slams a curry in front of me because she knows I need a full stomach for when I watch The Chase. When it starts I get really excited and usually ring up all my friends to inform them that The Chase is about to start.

I have a tally on a piece of paper to count how many times a particular Chaser on The Chase has been on this series. I do not include repeats in this tally. I try my best. and usually I can beat the chaser. I am very proud of this. After The Chase is finished I tune into ITV+1 to once again view The Chase. Before I go to bed I watch The Chase best bits on Youtube and try to reply to every comment before I go to bed.


Fanny Chmelar

I have a soft spot for her purely for the shitty alliterative nicknames she invents when she meets a contestant based on their life
>Hello Taxidermist Tim
>Hello Horserider Hayley
>Hello Canoeing Carl

i can respect this ranking but for me its:
Dark Destroyer>Sinnerman>Beast>Menace>Governess>>>>>>>>Vixen

How did I know this was britcuck trash before reading the thread?

This. Other game shows have too much foreplay and downtime. The questions are pretty easy most of the time but they have some hard ones so it's great to play along with. Unlike other gameshows it presents an antagonist and the team aspect really adds more depth to tension. Brad is great with the contestants and it's hard not to be impressed at pro quizzer taking on 4 people and it's hard not to be impressed when a random joe beats the pro, it's just a good format. I watch it with my dad all the time.
Hard to disagree assuming you're talking about strength as a chaser, although I think I would swap Cinnamon and Menace or make them equal. Cinnyboy seems more prone to bad days and slips; I've not seen much of Menace since he's new but he's smart as a whip and is pretty consistent—I think his "character" needs a bit more bite though.

Please tell me the black guy is the dark destroyer.

He is.

he is

>Hard to disagree assuming you're talking about strength as a chaser
You fucking wot m80?
If I were on that show and saw the Dark Destroyer heading my way I would thank my lucky stars. Man is the weakest by a margin.
Beast gets too ballsy on a 2x score, but below that he's a... beast.
Sinnerman is probably the best all round as a chaser.
The rest are there too.

He used to be The Black Bastard, but they changed it after George Floyd.

>Sinnerman is probably the best all round as a chaser
surely you're just wanking my cock. He fucks up all the time and the only one worse than him is the vixen, who's shit.

i actually dont like bradley all that much, but he doesnt have too much time to be a twat. even when he goes off on some retarded tangent making shite jokes, shit usually moves on quickly enough that i dont mind. the importance of keeping a quiz show moving is underrated.

did anyone see the weakest link reboot with romesh paki lazy eye ranganathan? agonizingly fucking slow. unwatchable for its pace alone, never mind the host. richard osmans house of games has the same problem, absolute dogshit

You're avin a giggle.
Dark Destroyer is probably the most entertaining but he's definitely the weakest.

>Dark Destroyer>Sinnerman>Beast>Menace>Governess>>>>>>>>Vixen
is my ranking based on entertainment. strength as a chaser is:
beast>governess>menace>sinnerman>vixen>dark destroyer

Too fucking right, Pointless is a really great quiz show format but it's totally ruined by how much time they spend talking with the contestants and repeating the rules every time someone answers a question. I'm sure if you cut all that shit out you could watch an episode of Pointless in like 10 minutes.

Based and chasepilled

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The contestants answer questions to "get ahead", then the chasers try and catch up to them by answering questions too. If the chaser catches you then you lose.

They even added another shit filler round to Pointless to potentially add £500 to the pathetic prize fund. Garbage show.

pointless is a great format but these days its shit because the "catchphrases" are things like "keyboard", "wooden table", etc. they used all the actual idioms up within like 2 series and now its just random obscure shit

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