Full trailer for PREY aka Predator 5 leaked

>natives speaking english


Attached: prey.png (1892x793, 746.77K)

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Don't care. Call me again when we finally get Predators vs Engineers.

Of all the historical setting they can choose...

Attached: horizon-zero-dawn-pc-patch-makes-aloy-walk-straight-1602599266869.jpg (1200x1200, 814.31K)

...they chose most kino

not bad, the only thing I can see that may be retarded is if they nerf the pred so le diverse and stronk wyman noble savage can win

predator never should have been a franchise
same with alien
I blame cameron for this.

They can always use the excuse 'He was just a novice pred bro'

why does she speak some indian language to the dog but then they speak English to each other?

She couldn't sell a punch to save her life in Legion, and fighting was the whole point of her character. Nerf would be an upgrade. This is gonna be playskool.


Why hasn't this happened?

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Everything would have been better if ridley scott made the alien speak like the retarded faggot that he is


>primitive featherniggers can beat an advanced transgalactic alien hunter

Predator is one of the few franchises that could work with direct to video/streaming. The biggest problem is lack of talent.

Looks cheap, and all the title cards reminded me of a trailer for some shitty no budget horror movie, But I like 10 Cloverfield Lane and this movie seems to be taking itself seriously which I like. Seems like it might be a good movie but the trailer was not all that promising.

i'd rather watch sikh warriors beat the shit out of predators.

Looks cool, I guess. I like the actress, even tho she is 1/2 filipina.

I mean every once in a while the lino kills the big game hunter that showed up in from flying across the Atlantic with a laser sight rifle that fires supersonic rounds. The preds could nuke their whole village from orbit sure, but that isnt really point

>why does she speak some indian language to the dog but then they speak English to each other?
If the director is smart, it would be clever nod to McTiernan's trademark language shifts.

This would have been great with a male protagonist.

Not working for me. I could buy Dutch taking on a predator. This skinny girl? Nah.


Not even going to give you satisfaction, OP. Take this trailer and shove it up your ass.

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Looks alright, can't be worse than the one where they had the predators attempt to weaponise autism

The last two predator movies I watched were god awful

you literally haven’t seen the original film you retard
he wipes out an entire group of operators and Arnold has to return to monke to defeat him

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Why is everything and everyone so spotlessly clean?

I miss him so much, bros. Now this was Cinéma.


looks trash, predator is doing too much action man shit. predator needs to be scary like those native faggots in that film "Bone tomahawk".

imagine watching predators skin and dismember humans alive...bros we need a predator who got exliled to earth because he was too hardcore for the predators in their homeland.

savage psycho predator killing humans for 90 mins? yes please.

Honestly looks cool desu. Way more interested in low-tech survivors v Predator then modern mercenaries v Predator. Good choice of setting... if the elevator pitch was Predator meets Apocalypto then I'd be sold too. Some of the CG looks a bit dodgy but that's to be expected at this budget. I'd give it a watch.

>be racist
>also reveal you haven't seen the movie
Arnie beats it by being smart, not by having advanced gear. He literally covers himself in mud and attacks with logs.

eyy it's that one chick from Legion

Basically my only complaint. Looks a bit too sleek.

He had grenades and gunpowder which he used to make improvised explosives. Most people forget that.

Predator needs to be scary again, only way to do that is make a predator film like martyrs. Predator needs to absolutely dominate some humans, flay them, cut them up, no mercy. Predator needs to feel like a apex predator motherfucker!, not some pussy that gets bested by humans with ease.

Looks unironically cool.
I like the premise of Predators just being alien hunters that have been hunting humans over the centuries. None of the AVP retarded ancient aliens bs.

now that's pure estrogen right there

Looks like the colonists/traders have gunpowder too. The Preadator also seems to have less advanced tech which is interesting. His helmet is more skull than metal and his shield was mechanical.

I'll give it a chance.

I like the whole 'ancient tribe vs. advanced alien'; it's unbelievable in reality, but with such odds it makes for a good action movie.

....but they did get greedy with the whole "Yes, I can do it!", strong female character rift again,

I mean, in usual native north american tribes, even in traditional white culture, women were the home makers. Cooking, cleaning, child rearing....Men would hunt the buffalo, women would skin the kills for leather.....primitive mindset sure....but that was how it is.

This whole movie seems to be ripping off Brave with all the men saying "no you can't", while she's proving she can.

And lets not forget the goofy looking white colonizers and their muskets...Oh geez, I wonder what's going to happen there....
>"We come to raep the Indian girls....OH NO, we've been Predator'd ...we're stupid white men who didn't know better!"

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Let me guess the plot

>MC wants to be accepted as a good hunter but the tribe won't take her seriously
>Tries to kill the bear for approval, botches it, somewhat saved by Predator
>Warns the tribe about monster, but they won't listen
>People starts to die, so now they get serious and send out the warriors
>They fails miserably. MC runs for her life
>Have some kind of cat-and-mouse chase
>MC encounters white guys, probably they tries to rape her or do soemthing bad.
>Predator slaughters them all and saves her hide again
>After utilizing the equipment from the whites (My bet is on that Pistol from Predator 2 shall be one of them), MC sets up the trap and kill the Predator
>More preds show up, but they don't attack and approve her actions by giving her some of their tech(Super-bow or shield or whatever)
>MC realizes Pred she killed was also a hunter initiate who wanted approval. MC hands offers her pistol to Preds as a good-will exchange. The end

Yeah we need a film where the predator actually fucking wins for once, they're 0 for 6 at the moment

>gun powder is high tech
>literally invented around this time period
retard moment

Women have been protagonists of horror movies since the 60s but suddenly it’s the worst thing that ever happened according to fa/tv/irgins LMAO stfu