
Mike Oldfield edition.


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Other urls found in this thread:

bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-19548814#:~:text=1964 - Duvalier declares himself president-for-life and establishes a dictatorship with the help of the Tontons Macoutes militia.

atheists be like yeah bro the universe just spung out of a void of nothingness one day as you do

People who are fat, poor, and unintelligent prefer chubby women according to scientific research. Anyone can balloon up to 200+ pounds these days, it takes a certain type of person to stay fit

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>most of the cia readingroom documents for "haiti" are dated ~1963
>and then, suddenly, 1964 - Duvalier declares himself president-for-life and establishes a dictatorship with the help of the Tontons Macoutes militia.
bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-19548814#:~:text=1964 - Duvalier declares himself president-for-life and establishes a dictatorship with the help of the Tontons Macoutes militia.

all this time I imagined the female singer to be much prettier than she actually was

rorke moving like a dickhead, DHIckhead

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stop trying to revive this debate in every thread you cum gargling spastic

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pure coincidence goy

we already had this edition

broke up with the GF now.. back on Tinder. Probably the end of gf2022. Guess it still counts

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Have quite small lips or maybe a big nose, maybe both
Mildly insecure over it

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this but as well as receeding hairline wrinkles bad proportions ugly eyes short etc etc


So I went to dad and told him I'm a 26 year old incel. He told me I'm a fucking runt, so I started screaming autistically hoping it'd shut him up. My smashed me in the face with a coffee mug and then I shit myself.

>30+ degrees again this weekend

Why’d yous break up

so I own a bit of land where I'm raisin sheep an that but it's really chilly

fucking burgers

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The funny thing about Mike Oldfield was he got his name when he was born so actually very young, and he's a person and not a field. His parents didn't think things through

can you lads use chopsticks well?

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gona be begging people to see em so grim just stuck indoros or sometimes even worse going to park and seeing peopl ehaving picnics and parties while being solo
so grimology

>go outside to touch grass
>it's astroturf

yeah, but chopsticks are dogshit
the fork is clearly superior

Thinking of becoming transgender.

are they taking the piss with that or what?

good lad i have some anime recommendations for you to help

lads remember honk pepe? that was 3 and a half years ago

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More of a spork man myself

Modern Britishers be like
>I can't afford a child but I can afford a dog, going to the pub twice a week, constant online deliveries and several online subscriptions

Yeah genuinely prefer chopsticks in many cases

when you ostensibly attempt to communicate philosophical ideas you have a responsibility to be clear in your language. no educated person would type like you do naturally, not if their purpose was an honest discussion. it's very obviously purposely done to obscure understanding so you can claim "victory" in an epic internet argument

Time is a meme

going to a festival during the heatwave. going to be brutal

Kids are way more expensive than all those things combined

Any sinaloa cartel man in

what festival

not really that surprising

depends what you mean by "well" really
think any chinaman worth his salt would probably be able to eat a donburi bowl in half the time I can but I'm proficient enough to not make a mess of it

>a dog, going to the pub twice a week
lol what a lavish lifestyle

we lost like 2 and a half years to covid lockdowns

Eat rice with a spoon me. Any other way hardly works at all


im just too lazy at it and we werent compatible really not that just interested in her desu, so didn't put in effort

racist cunt. the correct word is jap

pooing with my arse

good fun that
not been in years

oh no he didn't spell check comment on Any Forums it is the end of the world. if you cant understand something ask for elucidation it is not my fault if you struggle because you are non native english and do not naturally fill grammar gaps in besides i would always use a comma if it's necessary to make a point there is no need to just use it to make subclauses more obvious in casual setting

are they? or have you just convinced yourself/been convinced of that

I would've done fuck all even without lockdown

Too anxious to use tinder to be honest. Just dont have that killer instinct to turn a match into a date if somehow my mug hasnt scared everyone else away.

Office wagie here
How do people function on 4-6 hours of sleep?
Going to try it since work is forking out for an evening course to get me a diploma in shit

No. No they aint.
Considering the average pub trip is at least £40 and a dog costs thousands a year it sort of it

some kind of secret military base i'm guessing?

I have no game
Dont know how the fuck I got a gf