Be me

>be me
>lived in belgium my whole life
>parents are russian, immigrated in the 90s
>have a Russian name and never really liked it but whatever
>at job interview
>interview guy looks at my id
>"say... user anonevich anonevskiy, whats your heritage?"
>"uhm im flemish"
>tells me they dont hire russians because of the war
should i change my name or what

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just say you're ukrainian

I anglicised my name a while ago and it helped a ton.
>t.lithuanian parents

They can do that? It's not illegal to deny employment based on race/ethnicity in Belgium?

this lol

i dont like lying :(
call it a "sanction" and yeah apparently
or just be part of an "allowed to discriminate against group" such as the romani

obviously they denied people and still do for those reasons but at least they can now be open regarding Russians specifically


definetely happened

Just lie. Say you are from Ukraine.

this lmao
or belarussian
or moldovan
or jewish (even better)

russian in belgium supposed to be a terrorist, they have magical thinking


Of course its illegal.
Taco here.

>i dont like lying :(

"I'm Ukrainian/Jewish"
Problem solved

I never liked Russia, but the whole "Let's treat the Russians like they're Germans in 1939!"-thing is getting a little out of hand.
Since when did it become accepted to exclude people from the work force based on their ethnic background?

damn, ban evading again bbc bro?

>Since when did it become accepted to exclude people from the work force based on their ethnic background?
Since forever

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Nah that’s not normal. I literally had “sent from my iPhone” in Russian at the bottom of my job application and they hired me. Report those niggers to the police.

they probably thought you're guy from kyiv (dey speak russian, although an illegal language)

God I hope they didn’t mistake me for a хoхoл

with that name you can larp as other Slavs, no?

Not if his name ends in -ov and the employer knows his shit. But if it ends in -ko, -sky or -ić/-ych he’s in luck.

flemish are reddit normies
surprised they didn't ask about your vax status

>and never really liked it but whatever
Actually I’d like to retract , this is on you self hating faggot

>Not if his name ends in -ov
aw fuck really? is it an exclusively russian thing?
id say get a job but thatd be ironic coming from me wouldnt it...
bro imagine being named roman
literally the ugliest name there is, youd be self hating too

Yeah ok, I see you point.
But I wouldn't expect a Belgian in 2022 to just blatantly tell someone they can't have a job because they're ethnicly X.

Do you prefer if they tell him "were sorry to tell you but after thorough consideration of your application and interview, we do not believe you to be the best possible candidate to fill the position in our company, and other applicants were able to impress more with their performance"?

>is it an exclusively russian thing?
You might be able to pull off Bulgarian

That would be more polite, yes.

Why am I even bringing this up tho, next time someone pulls some retarded shit like that punch him in the balls and plea self defense.