What are the best Vietnam war movies?

What are the best Vietnam war movies?

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Platoon sucks. A bunch of shitty actors making the movie look like a comedy. And dafoe being a goomer faggot.

>And dafoe being a goomer faggot.
hows bout you expand on this user......

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Dear Hunter

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Goomer? Wtf is that i cant keep up with all these new words

Why do americans always have to portray themselves as sympathetic victims in the Vietnam war, how about we get some stuff representing the Viet perspective

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t. zoomer retard

Hotdog Mountain

> Dumps Agent Orange toxins, giving horrible mutations to millions of people, destroying ecosystem for many decades
> OMG I have PTSD I need therapy

> Boast about hot tough killer you are
> First signs of high casualties since WW2
> Bawww war is bad, hippie anti-war protests, massive culture shock

Seriously, how burgers even plan to wage any kind of war if they are that soft?

it's called empathy you dumb goat fucker

Empathy weakens you

It's hard to have sympathy for the invaders who killed millions

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Korean War was a very bloody war


It think it was more the forcing of an entire generation to enlist and face war and if they refused they were thrown in jail. They fucked over an entire generation of young men, just like the soviets did in WW2. 80% of men born in 1923 in USSR died in WW2.

>an entire generation
lol you clearly do not know much about the war. They literally drafted retards so that they would not have to draft middle class teenagers.

>They literally drafted retards
A lot of them were low-class black men, show some respect

Tigerland was actually very good, rare movie set in the time when the military was having the most trouble with anti war draftees sabotaging everything they could and the reaction of some of the less competent personnel trying to deal with this.

at least we got Tropic Thunder out of those douchebag actors strolling around Hollywood huffing their own farts after.

>no one mentioned Apocalypse Now

The fuck

Danger Close was ok