Movies with more Europeans, men, fewer non-Europeans, fewer women are higher rated by audiences
>Movies with more Europeans, men, fewer non-Europeans, fewer women are higher rated by audiences, make more money etc.
>Note the Indian IMDB bias. Indians inflate their ratings in the extreme, IMDB allows this for some reason.

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>"its your rayciss fault our shitty movies suck"

Attached: Forty_eight_hrs.jpg (260x383, 23.85K)

next time someone asks you what the problem is with forced diversity you have empirical evidence to show them that diversity is associated with lower perceived quality

>European men rate movies with European men higher
Yeah, if it IMDB was Indian Movie Database the best movies would be Shaakamuar 2.0 and scored would be proportional to how long the dance scene is

>>European men rate movies with European men higher
doesn't necessarily work that way. leftists for example have a bias against white people. and i'm going to guess imdb users are disproportionately liberal.

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why are we pretending that the diversity cult can be reasoned with? their job is to subvert, dismantle, and destroy, how do you not see this by now?

i know but what else is there to be done except to try to refute them as best you can

my girlfriend just scoffs at it and says "ye but millions of people like me still watch it and it inspires young minorities"

This is unironically why we need unconscious bias training

Or because before minorities even worked in LA it was largely white male actors and movies were only made when they knew it would be a successful movie. Now they churn out whatever filled with whoever not giving a shit about the message or anything.

Inspires them to do what? Consume more?

I have no idea what this chart means. Can someone with high IQ explain?

but empirically hispanic and black minorities don't accomplish jack shit. and giving them more "representation" necessarily decreases white representation which makes white people sadder.

>i'm going to guess imdb users are disproportionately liberal.
Why? It's not Letterboxd. IMDB is mostly normalfags and basic bitch redditors.

White men have a 30 year lead on IMDB voting for movies
That is all


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Indian cinema has long since surpassed hollywood

I dont. Fucking. Care.

You are saying this as if it was obvious but I remember shitlibs here arguing that people love watching movies with blacks in them.

Why are you such a cuck?

in general the internet is going to be more liberal because internet users and especially power users skew young and "artsy". this is especially going to be the case for movie/tv stuff. the chart is damning either way though because the anti-white liberal bias outweighs the pro-white conservative bias. so even if they were equally represented you wouldn't expect movies associated with white people to score so highly on that basis.

yea this is another problem. as people's theories get knocked down empirically they just come up with adhoc explanations that still conform to their political beliefs.

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Why does a movie review site have a bunch of graphs and maps about ethnicity?

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