
Attached: 1654302322817.jpg (893x1178, 270.29K)

>the dark ages were.... LE DARK!

Will you faggots EVER stop whining about this?

for a second i thought the top pic was a painting. what the fuck happened


Top is shot with a green screen in a bright room
Bottom is shot outside

is that RatBoyGenius I mean uh Timothy in bottom pic?

I don't need flamboyant realism in my medieval kino
fuck off nigger

Krzyzanowski sinusoid moved since then. Give it some time and it will move back

Attached: sinusoid.jpg (1050x615, 83.48K)

Cheaper. It's a Netflix movie with no black people and trannies, you think they cared to give them any more money than bare minimum?

Oh hey I noticed this pattern when we were studying literature in middle and high school, didn't know there was a proper term for it.

Eggers should make a colorful movie just to test critics.

Top is a later period, but yeah I am tired of how every medieval movie has to be colorless.

I'd roll with the top lads.

quints confirm

that's not dark ages that's high middle ages or Rennaisance. Europeans were organized as hell, rich, and fighting agaisnt each other allt he time.

Blame GoT

GoT didn't start the trend, if anything it was surprisingly colorful in the early seasons.

why is jew playing a christian? that's racist according to woke logic

because the tone of the movie is different

Yeah colors and nice clothes were invented in the 14th century, right you brainlet muttoid?

I didn't know they had green screens in the 40s

Pic related is more historical accurate than 99% of modern day middle age movies. Knightly Surcoats were bascially the team jerseys of their day.

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