This movie is a bizzare clusterfuck in hindsight

the only "people" it could possibly appeal to are 4channel anime autists

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Of course it's a clusterfuck. The studios didn't like the message and cut a lot of scenes. The extended cut still isn't Snyder's director's cut.

Why's the poster look like a Harry Potter movie?

>The cast originally included Amanda Seyfried as Babydoll, Evan Rachel Wood as Rocket, Emma Stone as Amber, Abbie Cornish as Sweet Pea and Vanessa Hudgens as Blondie — but it quickly fell apart.

What's the message supposed to be?

the medium is the large

Now in English, please?

the european large is the american small

who are you quoting?

Girls r cute

one size fits all and yet nothing really fits anybody

There was a girl in highschool i wanted to fuck that loved this movie. She was a stupid bitch and the first time I was rejected.

Me and the boys saw this opening night during middle school, played mw2 afterwards and we got into a very heated debate about who was the most fuckable

Bravo Sneeder

It's clearly sweetpea so it sounds more like a game intentionally started in an attempt to weed out the homosexuals among the group.

Can't have been too stupid, she rejected you

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I ama 4channel anime autist and I thought that film was bogus

Anyway, she kinda looked like Babydoll. Make of that what you will

This film was absolute fucking shit

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it was creative

damn, I forgot how hot she was

the only wrong answer is the asian desu

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I saw this movie twice and I liked it a lot more the first time around when I thought they actually were prostituting the girls, asylum exploits the people they are supposed to be caring for forcing the inmates to escape makes for a far more compelling story than crazy bitches can't accept they're crazy and escape

the visuals sure were nice though, I would probably watch any one of those scenarios as a full movie

Or the boomer but yeah.