Forgotten Films

ITT we post films lost to time.

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Very Bad Things (1998)

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At one point in time when I was YOUNG it was my favorite movie. My parents should have known I was a fucked up kid.

Whats it about, is it kino?

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Kino of the highest order, it's about con artists.

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Nick Cage is a con artist with severe OCD/ agoraphobia. It's pretty good.

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I always thought this was liam neeson

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Same. Saw it when I was like 12. Absolute kino.

i couldnt see liam in this. its actually impressive that bridges held his own with robin dominating the screen.

actually still ahvent seen tbqhwyf

Well, it's pretty out of date now with smart phones and all.

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Damn that’s some kino casting

literally me

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I just rewatched this the other day, it was really good.
I wish irl homeless people were cool.

Very kino. Two con artists, one Nic cage (old agoraphobic) meets his long lost daughter. Chaos ensues. It's just not a movie a 13 year old kid should be super pumped about.

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about this one. I remember liking it when it came out.

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While we're sticking with a bit of Robin Williams here...

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I don't know why people hated this when it came out. A very good dark comedy.

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I only remember this because of the guy getting sliced in half by the revolving glass doors

>2022.... I am forgotten...

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This was a better Man Who Killed Don Quixote than The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.