Love death and robots

i didn't get why zima blue was so liked
i found it incredibly mediocre

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i liked it because it was a heavily stylized, thoughtful story. We hardly get any good animation anymore, so when something like this comes its a breathe of fresh air. Obviously its nothing groundbreaking but its very entertaining for what it is.

Okay nerd, which episode whats your favorite

because it is mediocre
and it's been propagandized for you to socially accept it as true
that is liked and good
accepting lies tends to become easier

The whole show is mediocre

the art, the style, the voiceover, the colors, the animations, the music

please obtain some taste

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The r/asianmasculinity animation was funny if only for implying the asian samurai mechanic dude was getting cucked by a british ugly bastard with a 2 foot shlong.

To each their own. I found it great. 90% of the rest is shit.

It has a message that rings very true. An advanced AI system achieved peak intelligence and the decision it made from that point was that higher existence blows and it should downgrade itself back to being a pool sweeper in a way that dunks on pretentious art gaylords

It's like in Lolita when you find out that Humbert is stuck in the past due to the experience of his first love, we as the audience can see this longing that the character posesses as a tragic thing that shapes them. Likewise, there is something to be said about wanting to reduce oneself back to a lesser state, ignorance is bliss afterall, and this is exemplified in Zima Blue. Even a machine can be overcome with nostalgia, but we see that to go backwards would only regress what we have become.

It has a unique look and does lean heavily into the philosophical without drudging down into lectures of the writer's political hot take, which in a series mostly about quick action or filled with the dumbest motherfuckers wanting us to know their opinion on shit and will stop a story dead to say it, it certainly stands out. Just the fact they were able to keep themselves from injecting a lot of modern day bullshit into a short story that already worked just fine as it is, for as little as that should be a compliment it absolutely was.

Is it MY favorite? Not really. While I can appreciate what they were trying to do and give credit that they really went out with the look and animation without sacrificing the questions about life and existence that made the short story work, I really have come to enjoy Bad Traveling more and more since the third season came out. That one was such a breath of fresh air I didn't know I needed that I keep going back to it and liking it more and more every time I see it. But I'm for sure putting ZIma Blue above Jibaro, that people are willing to toss away massive gaps of stupidity in a story because it's "About the themes, man", is something I can't get on board with.

People liked the message - that no matter how complex the world or you yourself become, sometimes you just need to enjoy the simple things.

That's...not the message user

That's not the morale you fag

because redditors like niggers

Act like a FOOL
Think like a BRILLIANT

It's literally the message, you niggers

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"higher existence" only sucks when you hit a point where you can't increase any more, under your own power or others.

zima was an AI, he didn't have that limit.

I've been watching small team animations since the Kramer meet n fuck games were a thing on newgrounds. Stylized shit like this is a nice refresher and you can tell they put a lot of effort into making it.

Because it has a point, most shorts in season 1 are just a waste of time, half stories. Zima and Aquila Rift are the only ones I'd call good.


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if that was the message he'd just clean the pool without reverting to a roomba