What’s your favorite graggle moment?

what’s your favorite graggle moment?

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Why is he naked?

wtf i don't remember this episode

Farmer 1: Well, well. Look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car.

Homer: This car was made in Guatemala.

Farmer 2: Well, pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.

Homer: I bought these shoes from a hobo.

Farmer 1: Well, ladeeda, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure.

Homer: I'm sorry. I believe in good grooming.

Graggle: darn right, homer! These hicks aren’t worth our time!

Scene change

Sneed: You're not gonna grow nothin' on the old Simpson place. That's why your daddy abandoned it.

Homer: Oh, what do you know?

Sneed: Well, I know your soil p.H. is up around 9.6, and you need it seven to eight max.

Homer: Oh, that's just superstition! You watch me. I'll grow something out there.

Sneed: Not if you're plantin' gummy bears.

Homer: D'oh!

Graggle: can I have a handful?

The one where he used to work at Chuck’s he wasn’t to crazy about the new direction the new management went.

"Iooks like where going to be THE SIMSPSONS today gang"

Reddit meme

bretty cring

I like the one where he and homer went on a wacky extreme sports adventure. The part where Homer and Graggle got stuck in a cave while deep-sea diving was unexpectedly emotional.

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kek that’s a classic one

Easily when Graggle had to get the family home in time to participate in Hands Across America, the car chase makes me laugh even now

I would like this meme more if we had come up with it, but it's pretty good none the lesser[/Spoiler]

Didn't this dumb bullshit used to have a different name?

It was Weird Matt when it was still an /x/ meme, but once Twitter picked it up they gave it a new name.

So he's Graggle (Formerly Weird Matt).
Sneed always wins, baby. Sneed always wins.

go back

The one where Graggle acts as a kind of marriage councillor for Lenny and Carl and sets them up on a date and tells them what to say via earpiece etc

>graggle not real because... BECAUSE HE JUST ISNT OKAY

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I miss Phil Hartman

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It was kinda cute, but they're better off as friends

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Don't talk to matt groening about "Weird Matt"

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Did you guys know he actually appeared in one of the early shorts?

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yeah, sneed is so much better

Agreed (formerly agruck)

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Nelson Mandela died of COVIDS?!?

I respect your feelings.

common misconception thats actually a mistake. thats meant to lisas model but the animators hadn't been fed that day and got confused. you'll notice he opens his mouth to speak but says nothing. that was a last minute fix to just nix the line. we aren't supposed to see graggle until "the simpsons fix the radiator" a couple weeks later.

Look, it's Funky!

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