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where's trump and biden?

Trump is in the worst of presidents with Nixon.

Trump was one of the best presidents retard. We had a soaring economy (before the left destroyed it with their COVID nonsense) and he kept us out of all international conflicts, spearheading efforts to normalize relations with Russia and the ME and NK and btfoing China with his trade war.

Fuck you tranny. MAGA 2024

This is Mediocre Presidents. Not FUBAR Presidents.

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What did Nixon do?

Opened relations with China
Founded EPA
Protected public broadcasting
Veery bad things to liberals

I miss Phil Hartman

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I miss William Henry Harrison

there was the whole watergate controversy. Plenty of presidents have been accused of being lying criminal scumbags, but never has it been so transparently obvious and proven that a president was a crook.
Imagine if every random smear against trump was actually true. That's what Nixon was actually like.

started welfare

Oh look it's Trump and his lover Putin

but they are

Listened to kissinger

Nixon was based, pleb.

His endorsement of the PRC over the ROC has basically fucked the world.

> Opened relations with China
Enabled outsourcing
>Founded EPA
See above
>protected public broadcasting
lol lmao
>very bad things to liberals
I wish

Biden's asleep

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he literally just did what everyone else probably does/did but in a more transparent way and got caught

oh whoops, it's not like we didn't literally just have the same thing happen to a presidential candidate who was a sitting president

where was the outrage for Obama/Clinton? Lip service on fox news.

Orange man bad, however senile Chinese puppet man ALSO bad

I'm le libertarian and even though my ideas are all retarded I'm beyond reproach