Kino interview thread

>jeffery Dahmer
>violent, sex crazed, cannibal torture murderer
>does interview with no handcuffs or shackles

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domestic phoenix program via mkultra

Like you couldn't fight that guy off

Dahmer was never dangerous, he only killed skinny ass joggers and twink faggots.

he didnt have any alcohol or barbiturates to offer the interviewer

Ahh I remember the Armed Robbery case. Feels like a decade ago.

Still not letting my kids near you Dahmer

People make Dahmer out to be a monster but I always felt he was the most human serial killer. People say in his interviews he's trying to be manipulative but I sense he's actually being completely sincere and authentic. There's no doubt he was completely deranged but I don't think he was a psychopath. He just developed a sick addiction and couldn't control it. He also couldn't kill people unless he was blind drunk.

Media kind of turns serial killers into super villains. Typically they are actually subnormal people. It just takes a lot longer to get caught if you’re killing complete strangers. Detective work usually goes by motive and opportunity. Failing that the suspect list becomes ‘anyone with this particular shoe size matching this footprint the killer maybe left but it might also be a random footprint.’ But it’s more exciting to think of killers as criminal geniuses.
So yeah, Dahmer is just some geek. There is no Hannibal Lecter.


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this guy said he was in a satanic cult and had help committing his murders. Something like 21 people associated with him died of unnatural causes after he was arrested

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>The CDC: Please refrain from hand shakes
>Jeffrey Damher: *stops blender*

Yeah you're fucked in the head

He’s been dead for almost 30 years

Neat fact about my town is that dahmers first victim, Steven hicks, body was found in a park we have

you're a moron incapable of understanding the complexities of the human condition.


>is the most based serial killer in your path

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Your point?

Zombies exist.

Imagine being this dude

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What would your serial killer name be? I'd like to be called the Bone Tsar.

>Typically they are actually subnormal people.

This is what npcs will never accept about serial killers. They are just relatively normal people who developed a severely maligned and malformed desire for a certain activity, which is killing.

Ive watched that and it's remarkable how articulate and seemingly in touch with his mental illness he is. Unlike Gacy or Bundy who had no remorse or were just sociopathic.
Doesn't seem like a sociopath but genuinely disturbed and fascinated by his own uncontrollable impulsiveness.
He still was just incompatible by nature and should have just been dumped into a furnace or fed to lions or something for that reason or at least studied until he died so we could figure out how to recognize this?