My parents ruined my life immigrating to this racist country

My parents ruined my life immigrating to this racist country

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You'd probably have had no life at all if they had stayed there. Neither would they.
You bitchy little shit.

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What ethnicity/race are you?

What race are you?


all my immigrant parents do is complain about this country despite making 6 figures each
I've seriously never heard them say one single positive thing about canada. every time I remind my dad about how he would have had no future if they stayed there he gets very angry

Is it really that bad?

They left because the work was there and they wanted you to have a better life than them. Fucking puzzles me how millenials and zoomers are this fucking stupid. They gave up everything for you and now you're mad cause you're not fucking Kim Kardashian, go fuck yourself.


?you good bro?
did you reply to the wrong post by mistake?

At least you will survive the chinese rumble in the rice fields

Why don't they leave then?

I'm drunk leave me be.

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>every time I remind my dad about how he would have had no future if they stayed there he gets very angry
I don't blame him. I know many people who moved south because Canada has no real opportunities or doesn't pay worth a shit.


I'm mad because I live in a gun-obsessed white supremacist shithole

no clue. you can't explain cognitive dissonance. guess they'll never accept that canada is more liveable than shitty east euroshit in every way imaginable

>They left because the work was there and they wanted you to have a better life than them.
I agree with this and kinda don''t. A lot want a "Better life" but often times really project hard on their kids or are stuck in a self induced survival mode where even when rich they can't enjoy anything.

I think you should buy a gun and eat some BBQ dude.
Those "white supremacists" are actually nice people who will eat with you and probably let you fuck one of them they're not racists you are.

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I wish I could suffer in Canada

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They're Balkan, aren't they?

As long as you enjoy it. You are the next generation.

indeed they are

Yeah tell me that while you're inhaling rubber in some fucking gangfuck of a tire fabrication business in India. They knew it was shit, they left.
You're unhappy because, but not because of them.

I dont think theyre racist

Youre just ffucking ugly

You cant oblige them to not consider you inferior, you literally are