What's up with everyone getting cucked in this show?

what's up with everyone getting cucked in this show?

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Jew writers

only cucks watch it, they know their audience

no matter how shit the show has become it's still better than the comics lol

im a virgin

Does this show get better? I remember really liking the first season and then the 2nd season was complete trash i quit halfway through is it worth slogging through s2 to get to the other seasons?

Not really. The first few episodes of s3 aren't that great, either.

Who got cucked? Not watching this jewish trash.

This show is literally and figuratively gay. You're a gay cuck if you watch this or any capeshit that's not Pattinbat or Burton

Hughie being with Starlight is the least plausible part of the show. Why does he put himself through it? She's not going to keep being with him if he does the jealous bf thing and he won't stop doing that because he's actually a zero confidence incel in disguise.

You might as well fondle seth rogen's balls while you eat his ass. I mean --- you're there

literally every character except Homelander, who still gets kinda cucked out of seeing his biological son

I want homelander to go rogue. Do what he said, take out defence's and vital infrastructure. Turn the USA into a wasteland where they worship breast milk and homelander. A true patricians paradise.

At least we had a black man getting cucked by a soi, so that made a change.

It's made by obvious porn addicts, dumbass

Is the full season out or is this shit one ep per week bs?

It's a Jewish thing.

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Life cucked you

Holy... fucking.... SHIT!!!




the objective ranking is:
season 1 > the comic > castrating yourself > season 2 > season 3

and starring jews

This would be kino

mumza watches this show...

Attached: watering the backyard.webm (472x420, 771.78K)

The released the first 3 episodes yesterday, and now I think it's weekly.

I hated the second season and refuse to watch the third s d whatever else they put out
I do however hope that someone will make a funny Deep moments compilation for s3