Well, good job Any Forums. Look what you fucking did

Well, good job Any Forums. Look what you fucking did

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After all of Sony's failings, you'd think they would have learned by now that Reddit isn't a source of general consensus. There's only going to be around a couple thousand faggots showing up for a shitty meme, and a few people who were tricked into it.

gake and fay


Did you completely miss the email leaks showing just how out of touch and autistic Sonys marketing teams are?

how many theaters are in the world anyway? must be like hundreds of thousands.
some local ones are still showing it so 1000+ theaters doesn't seem much at all

Except Morbius Sweep is a discord and twitch meme, not your personal God, Reddit.

Morbing is like normie baneposting, I actually kind of like it

bros i just got back from the theater and wow what an experience!!!
there was an autistic kid that looked maybe 13 sitting with his mom in the back row and every time a bat was on screen or morbius started flying he would scream really loudly


you could feel the excitement in his shrieks!! By the 3rd time he did it the whole theater would join in, everyone screaming MORBIMORBIMORBIMORBIMORBI!!!

it was so crazy but we had a great time and the MORBI screaming got everyone so hype it was lit af

When I left the theater I gave the kid a high five and told him "keep on morbin brother"

I noticed he had wet his pants so badly he had no doubt soaked the seat too. It's ok because it's just a theater and they pay someone to clean up things like that.

When was this?

a long time ago, years. some of the emails were concerning the andrew garfield spiderman series it happened so long ago. but holy fucking shit it was amazing. it's impossible to explain without someone posting the pictures but suffice it to say that studio execs are ten times dumber than should be possible

So, should I watch this just so I can understand why everyone is making fun of it too? because as of right now i don't get it or find it funny

unironically why are jews like this?

the sentence "it's morbin time" is funny. but they never actually say it in the movie. not worth the price of admission imo

see it because it's a reasonably enjoyable movie
not even kidding
like a relic from 2005. nothing special, but it's not a modern marvel faggot movie like universe of madness or spider shit
think Blade 2 or Underworld

Just google it, plenty of stuff floating around, whole archive is on wikileaks


you can also just watch the movie for free on twitch.

i fucking hate zoomers

okay this shit is getting funny actually


The joke is that people didn't see it so they're making up silly things about the movie. From what I've heard it's not even enjoyably bad.

Just watch it on Twitch

I can't wait for it to double flop cause studios trying to get in on the "so bad it's good" joke literally never works. More so when Morbious isn't so bad it's good. It's just bad.