I have 70$ for food till the end of the month

I have 70$ for food till the end of the month
Will I survive in your country?

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Buy ingredients and make your own food

possible but life suck. how a jew run out of money?

for me it would be easy


Yes, but won’t be pleasant.

Easily. It would be a stretch if it was 2 months.

Look at his flag. He got outjewed by other jew.

easy, buy a sack of rice and some bags of spaghetti, a bunch of tomatoes, eggs

find a job

for me would be impossible

a fuckin' pack of margarine is 10.5 reais

Just pluck some plump, ripe fruits from the tropical scenery. Or idk eat a stray dog or something. Impossible to suffer as a thirdie

i have -310€ this month
send help

Onions, potatoes, chickpeas and rice. Also try fasting some days. It feels amazing after the three day mark

lentils are good and cheap

your grandpa survived with 0$ in poland for years.

isn't that like 0.00001$?


Yeah lol just go to dollar tree or whatever and buy ramen

Buy a 50 lbs sack of rice. That's just under $40. You're good for more than a month but you'll be eating like shit.

surely you can count on the ready benevolence of your brother jews?

Canned chopped tomatoes, rice, and a few spices and you've got options

Look at fucking pooland takling shit

A months supply of rice, beans, eggs, and milk is like $40 which leaves you with $30 for meat