Cast the heist movie

Cast the heist movie.

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>twitter screencap

Fuck off

So if the treasury department mints a trillion dollar coin, then they just fly it to another part of the federal government, then how does that solve the budget problem if...Who is giving what to who...My point is, it's like robbing Peter to pay Paul. It doesn't make sense.

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What's the point of stealing it if you can't cash it in

>then they just fly it to another part of the federal government
user the Federal Reserve is a private bank.

The economy is fucking fake.

seething trannies


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"Money like...totally isn't real dude...they just make it up" as it turns out is the actual monetary policy of Global Finance.

isn't this how hyperinflation happens?

I just asked a fucking concern chief we're planning a fucking impossible heist for some fucking coin we can't cash in?

>could be

but will never need to be

We wouldn't let you chuds anywhere near the Fed if there is one place we wont allow you to insurrection it's the beirthplace of capitalism resitance.

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The federal reserve doesn't mint coins. The point about it being a coin is specifically that the government can mint them and can make it have any denomination.

>hello I'd like to deposit this trillion dollar coin

Some would say.....billions?

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The fed is a private bank that the government is in debt too. The government is also in debt to it's own citizens and that will need to be called in if they default. If congress doesn't approve to increase the debt ceiling than the US defaults. But it turns out the president can just print a coin and say it's worth a trillion so they could use that to pay back their loan to this private bank then continue barrowing.

getting this filthy Gutian out of here!

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Sell it to the Chinese for $10bn

you can if you get it cleaned first

Doesn't matter how pretty the imprinting is, that is still just an iron cilinder.

If I stole gold, I could sell it. If I stole cash, I could sell it. If I steal a trillion dollars coin? I would be lucky if I could sell it for 1k


money LITERALLY does not exist anymore

American tax dollars will help our Ukrainians who fought so poorly and surrendered so readily.

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Why do we even have to pay taxes if the government just creates money out of nothing whenever they need to?

So you gotta be a chink to cash that coin in? all due respect but that sounds like bullshit boss, I'm out

For te lulz

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I think his point is that the US govt is subservient to the federal reserve. Maybe thats also what you are implying, but I'm in that weird post baked hangover state

>tfw nobody wants to audit the fed anymore

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The way I see it, there are two options:
>The quiet option
>have an inside man on the chopper
>he hijacks it and takes the pilots hostage
>flies the plane off course, drops the coin in a field somewhere
>metal detector squad retrieves the coin for the payday

>the loud option
>MANPADS the helicopter after it takes off
>pick the coin out of the wreckage
>avoid the massive police chase
>retire in Cuba
The hijacker/MANPADS gunner will be played by Nicholas Cage. The shady government banker will be Willem DaFoe, and the retired FBI agent who has to track down the coin will be Alec Baldwin