Post movies that only you have seen

Post movies that only you have seen.

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Ummmm ackcchsulhuallly this movie was released in theaters and people have in fact seen it so OP is a liar

I think this whole period of animated films or Miramax lore is more interesting.

>not a don bluth movie

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I might be the only person here with an official Blu-Ray of the film.

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I remember liking this movie A LOT.

>start remaking old sci-fi movies
>inexplicably bring Larry Clark in to make one of them

utmost kino

i remember not watching because it looks like something made by whoever makes prime commercials

why? no one replies

I’m waiting for parts 1-5 before I watch this.

I remember the cobra singing about being evil.

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Had a vhs of this in the 90s and even a graphic novel based around it.

I've seen it. He has intercourse with his step-mom. His genitals are visible in the scene. Oh and he dies of screen in the end.

Nice cinematography.
Crap movie.

hidden glowie kino

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Made by a guy named Nacho is must be good