How did The Soys get another season? I thought no one watched that shit wtf

How did The Soys get another season? I thought no one watched that shit wtf

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nobody watches it. it's probably money laundering or tax optimization or something.

Disgusting roid gut. Why would Sam even do this

I know this is just anecdotal but all of my normie friends and brothers and their gfs watch it, literally all of them.

>roid gut

You sure it's not test from a horse or steer?

He's incredibly insecure about being fat.

HGH causes your internal organs to grow like crazy, hence why they call it 'HGH gut'.

>Matt Walsh has recently produced some quality anti-Troon kino that's getting massive amounts of attention, where he confronts people on the street about what a woman is
>Sam Hyde has been doing this kind of stuff for years, like Williamsburg
>Sam has a crew of video editors and experience
>This could have been his
>What stopped him?



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i dont know, Sam is can be pretty retarded and its pretty funny too so it works.

who asked?

it looks like demoralization shit so you know who bankrolls it


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Just because Any Forums hates it doesnt mean its not popular

fucking retard

major FTM vibes

>Any Forums


>he cries out as he strikes

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His videos are just simply unbearable to watch. Not even zoomers can withstand that spastic overedited garbage.

hello plebbit

you're early, you're supposed to show up like 50 posts in

Damn those nops sure look like they take a beating. What does he need alligator clips and a car battery to get off?