Do you want to find sex in brazil?

Do you want to find sex in brazil?

Attached: 1659489966557000.webm (480x853, 1.91M)

Attached: beer 2.webm (424x710, 2.96M)

If you live in Brazil, sex will find you.

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Attached: coomer.jpg (1545x869, 91.62K)

that's how you get monkepox


Attached: bunda2.webm (1080x1080, 2.25M)

but I look like this, I would only get deportations

Attached: images (43).jpg (451x680, 29.21K)

How do you guys know that this is Brazil and not any other country?

Attached: Pepe masticando .jpg (640x578, 54.38K)

her bunda is familiar

Because we know the people in the video

brazil men like to dye their hair blonde. also the woman is sexually attractive so most likely brazillian

African culture is really pure poisson.

No. No matter how qt she would be the other person would still be me.

I don't care where, I want to find sex



Luisa Sonza


Not if you are an introvert like me haha


Attached: russian monk.jpg (466x349, 17.37K)

I think she's Ukrainian