Gotta find those kids like soon though aha definitely something im looking forward too

gotta find those kids like soon though aha definitely something im looking forward too

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this is a reference to the television and film series on netflix you tattletale

those kids? yeah I've been looking around for them, they'll turn up eventually, last place you look, am I right? haha

>Chris, what happened to the cookies in the jar?

>Whatever happened, I wish they weren't taken. Like I remember them being in the jar and I would pass by every day to see them there and like think 'man, I love that those cookies are in that jar' but now that they're gone I don't know what to do. I mean like all I want is those cookies to be back in that jar and the thought of someone taking those cookies just makes me so angry. If anyone ate those cookies, I would completely understand your frustration. I mean like you specifically said not to take those cookies so why would anyone do such a thing? I miss those cookies in that jar, you and I made them specifically to be eaten for like dessert. Whoever did this should be punished, maybe with like... 1 day without video games, I mean if that is even allowed in this house, but it's a deserving punishment for whoever took the cookies and ate them, even though they were like saved for dessert...

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With hindsight it was a bit odd that he was talking about shannon and the girls in the past tense ten minutes after reporting them missing.

Those kid were my life mate, absolutely gutted haha

If I could just get those kids back, that would be, like, so dope.

They're throwing nuggets in heaven now.

Attached: nuggets.jpg (789x849, 205.34K)

Imagine getting away with a murder but some big fat mess phones in a missing persons because shannann did not say anything on faceberg for 22 minutes.


>dumping bodies at your place of work
>getting away with a murder

This is the last thing those kids ever saw

nobody had worked at that site for years
plus there were dozens of sites in the midwest alone I worked at

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post above is reddit

Shanann had Munchausen's by proxy and was constantly anally probing their children, shopping doctors to find one who would diagnose them with something chronic so she'd have something to post about on fb forever and ever and ever.

I hope the police drum up enough support to find them, or oil be very angry :)

Was the netflix documentary trying to get me on his wife's side? If so why were they showing her IMs which revealed her to be a passive aggressive evil cunt of a woman?

The chicken nuggets, whatever happened there

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Bella Watts = William Tyrell

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>killing your whole family in your family residence
>getting away with murder

They're pelting the Lord's angels with chicken nuggets

Are you the /jazz/ Munchausen by proxy poster?

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blessed thread

Impressive. Very nice.

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Extremely blessed thread.

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