Jesus Christ

they believe what they write?

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Don't even care about wokeshit anymore but the very suggestion that Tolkein 'ignored' a single aspect of his own creation is fucking infuriating

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I can't believe how much people give a shit about how woke something is

>hurr disregard the author
Sounds like another Lovecraft Country deal which means its gonna bomb in a single season

>side of the universe explicitly denied by the author
Soo... fanfiction?

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Yeah, I also don't mind clumps of shit in my food.

Yeah. This is the guy who made up multiple freaking languages, complete with their own alphabets. In the case of the elves,multiple iterations of them as they changed down through the ages. But oh no, he neglected something that has explicitly to do with contemporary racial politics in America.

Holy fuck. I've gone from eager anticipation to disbelief to active hate. May it crash and burn.

>12th February
Bit old innit? Want to talk about how shit this is going to be, new material might be good eh?

nigga he created it

I'm very tired of black people being shoved into everything. Do black people even like this? Like do they cheer this on or are they indifferent?

>Author creates a world for his stories
>Part of that world is ignored
Is that the excuse they are going to use now? "It's not breaking canon, it's just exploring stuff originally ignored!" We used to call this shit fan-fiction.

I know some black nerds who don’t mind but agree it’s shoehorned and weird.
They also say that whenever they read Lotr or similar stuff they only imagine white people as the characters and they don’t mind.
But lefties would tell them that they’ve been brainwashed by evil white men and racist institution or whatever patronising bullshit

the white supremacist are still complaining about a black dwarf in tv show white their white race is dying out
you literally cant make this shit up.

no we dont really care about this shit, but yet you blame us when its whites making the shows, go kill yourself white racist bitch

I want to choke a bitch.

Based nigger poster

>Tolken writes out in very elaborate detail exactly how each tribe of elves and dwarves and men in Middle Earth looked and behaved
>he lays out the entire history of the world up until the last age with family trees and descriptions
>Amazon still casts niggers in it
Why don't they admit it's fanfiction? At this point they're just stupidly doubling down when everyone can see it's nonsense.

it's all paid PR and they've already seen all the negative backlash from the videos yet they're still doubling down on it, it's driving engagement and it's the only thing that matters with marketing suits these days

There's a large group of people usually at the top of corporate/story/etc. who honestly believe viewers cannot relate to media if the characters aren't exactly like them. It's why shit like Transformers always has shoehorned humans for example.

Absurdly based. You're alright in my book niganon

>whites making the shows

Nice try Shlomo

Isn't Bezos a legit fan of LOTR? Why would he greenlight this shit?

Obviously they know more about Middle Earth than the man who invented it in his own mind. The arrogance of modern lefties is hilarious.

All of this noise is just marketing to get people talking about what will otherwise be a bland and forgettable series tacked onto a horse long since beaten to a pulp.
>wah i hate thing and i will secretly watch it to justify my anger while posting online very obnoxiously
>wah i hate that guy and i will watch this thing i didn’t care about before just to spite him
there are no shills in this thread in the sense that they’re paid. it’s worse. they do it for free and they don’t even know they’re doing it.

Same way he was a fan of the expanse, he just has the touch of shit when it comes to anything remotely artistic.

>implying black people understand LOTR

Why is this concept so hard for niggers to grasp?

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>mr high and mighty never shitposts
Yeah you’re here for all the quality threads. All the quality threads… Any second now.

No, I'm seriously not watching it ever. Under any circumstances. This is the statutory rape of Tolkien's work.

> Concerning niggers

>pick a nigger as a dwarf
>also pick a fat ugly unattractive nigger
At least get a hottie like Halle berry fuck

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lol why is it so hard for you morons to accept that there are black elves, dwarves, and even humans in middle earth? even tolkein never said it was outside the realm of possibility. and even if he did, it’s a fantasy world, and we as a society should always strive to improve and expand upon works of art into uncharted territories. things like more diversity are beneficial for our world, never negative

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