How's that screenplay coming along, fellas?

How's that screenplay coming along, fellas?

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that one doesnt look too good mate, sounds retarded

Quite well actually. I'm on page 54, shooting for 100 pages.

Pretty sure that's a stock photo.

I must be loyle to my capo.

Who's gonna be brave and post some of their work?

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and the disbelievers lost.

the end.

Not me.


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I'm writing a parody of Huis Clos. It's about three people trapped in a strange white room. A voice comes in over a loudspeaker and tells them they're in Hell. It's a character-driven film, with each one of the victims being forced to dig deep and confess their deepest sins. It's all darkly comedic and it's got a nice little twist ending, too.

This is pretty good actually. Reminds me of an 80s neo-noir crime thriller like Year of the Dragon. Keep up the good work

I read Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434 about a decade ago. That is all.

Fuck it, need coverage anyway.

When their addict father resurfaces still spouting conspiracies of being followed, a family must grapple with what to do, but they soon find there might be some truth to his fears.

My work has been incredibly draining as of late - it's been hard to find time to write seriously when I'm pulling 60-80 weeks for months now. I'm trying to outline something in the meantime that is more of a personal project - it's going to be unmarketably expensive to produce and maybe not even that appealing, but it's an idea I've been kicking around for ages and ages and so it's helping to keep some of the passion alive.

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Sent it to my literary agent a few days ago just to get his thoughts. I know he doesn’t usually handle screenplays, but I wanted to get his thoughts at least since I’m going to build it into a novel. He might just be busy, but still the fact that he hasn’t responded yet is starting to annoy me. If he doesn’t have my back on this project I think I’m going to drop his ass.

shut the fuck up faggot

Fuck man it's so tough. I get an idea I think might work and then the more I think about it the more I realise there's no fucking way I can write 120 pages on it and I get all depressed.

How did you get a literary agent? Querying got me nowhere...

>Chin Bong

Lmao a fool and his money, holy fuck dude get a grip.

Haven't tried since the pandemic started and don't think I will anytime soon, the closest I got was writing a "treatment" and thought it was better and more fun than writing a screenplay, so maybe I should try writing short stories or a novel

I’ve published short stories

I’ve never paid him a dime

written two feature length scripts but realized that none of them will ever get made so i started writing short stories instead desu

Working hard. This one is all about balancing tone. The story is pretty straight forward, but I want the character interplay to feel genuine, heartfelt and earned. Things are going great, but right now I have to introduce perhaps the most important character in the script and it's going to be a juggling act getting this one right.


always cracks me up. Pure comedy gold. I could read 500 pages of that.

read save the cat and break it into chunkable pieces.

>being that faggot with a screenplay tgat always brings it up for no reason

any good free screenwriting softwares?


Out of boredom during my commutes on the train for work I've begun writing pitches for films or groups of films, even TV shows, for different franchises. It's honestly a lot of fun and it makes the time flyby so fast.

share some

Finished and put it away this Crime Thriller/Road Movie and started the next one

Considering a proof of concept shoot and options to fund/drum up interest via festivals and the like

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studiobinder’s site has a webpage based one that works really well for free, just save pdfs often to have offline backups