What are some foreign pov war movies I can watch?

What are some foreign pov war movies I can watch?

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Schindlers list

Seen it but thank you


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All Quiet on the western front (1979 TV)


Tora Tora Tora for the kino unplanned extras running for their lives plane crash scene

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The 13th Warrior

havent seen this in years but i liked it more than flags of our fathers


hands down one of the best war movies I've ever seen

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enemy at the gates

Shot back to back with Flags of Our Fathers, despite being in Japanese, could still consider Hollywood having had its hands in this.
Am Krautfag, and I hated it.
Tuntematon Sotilas (2017)
Full movie with subtitles:

CGI is a bit sketchy sometimes, and American accents are somewhat weird, but other than that, I enjoyed it.
Chinese troops reinforce North Korea after the UN (Americans) had landed in Incheon and almost pushed back the North Koreans into China.
Particularly enjoyable if you'd like to see GIs getting slaughtered, especially after you've become tired of seeing Taliban, Soviets, Nazis and Iraqis getting the butt-end of it.

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Russian paratroopers in Afghanistan in 1988, it's structured into two parts like FMJ, first in bootcamp, later in deployment.
Not bad, quite enjoyable.

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Das Boot

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Not really a war movie but Kurosawa kino following Imperial Russian soldiers

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Main thing I remember about this movie was too many people blowing up from random artillery explosions

Sounds... realistic. Most combat casualties in both world wars are owed to artillery.
Full movie with English subtitles:

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I dont mean in artillery barrages, its like
>Character runs away from group
>Single artillery explosion
>That guy is dead

Its been at least 10 years since I watched the whole thing but I just remember some of the deaths being kinda jarring and out of place. Though I guess you can just say "thats war, user"

Fair point, I've yet to see it, it's 3h20m long, kinda've been putting it off due to that for some time...