I made this thread today and now there's a bunch of military aircraft flying over my city

I made this thread today and now there's a bunch of military aircraft flying over my city.
I've seen a bunch of fighters, a couple C-130's, 4 Huey's and a Little Bird
I'm having a hard time trying to take a pic through the binoculars
Wtf is going on

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Why would anyone want to take you brown shithole


I'm going to take your brown shithole, if you get my meaning

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They need planes to bomb their own citizends in the upcoming, WEF backed, south american civil wars.

Listen, buddy. There are three reasons to take a country: natural resources, strategic location, and wanting to move in and resettle the area. No one wants to resettle Argentina, and your location is useless because the Panama Canal makes your straight unimportant. So the only question is if you have some important natural resource, and I've never heard of anything important coming out of your part of the world?

noone is interested in your country honestly

If I'm not mistaken that looks like a Soviet era Kismaya plane

we won't attack you our president is a 35 years old soïboy

I often hear fighter jets that fly over my city.

He said he wants to fund mapuches to reclaim southern argentina

that's why you guys built that canal in the first place, right?
or it was to make an excuse to not share continent with the savage savage south americans?

Yeah but you have russia knocking on your door

the indians are fighting on their own. they do have some colombian arms but they're still monkeys with sticks
don't worry

Wtf, I thought we were friends with all the warsaw pact thirdies
You can't do this to us


It was because we realized we could control a fifth of global trade at no cost except alienating Columbia, and to give us a military base in Central America back before foreign military bases were really a thing. The fact that it fucked over Argentina and Chile by robbing them of shipping was sort of an accident, but no one really cared. There was also just the prestige of being a big global power that owns an important canal (Britain owned three important trade hubs with the Suez, the Singapore Straight, and the Straight of Gibraltar, so the US wanted at least one).

there's no point arguing.
in the end of the day we're irrelevant

What is it like to live in an irrelevant country? Every minor embarrassing detail of American politics gets broadcast all over the world.


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