"Truth"? Why would you want that? Get the fuck out of my office!


Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-03 044039.png (670x502, 473.01K)

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How many polycules is he in?

What even is the “””truth””” maaan??


whats up with the people getting so hostile in this movie? i thought this teacher dude was going to get up and attack the guy making the documentary

They’re not used to having their rhetoric challenged.

And like, whose truth?

The left's "personal truth" is the right's "alternative facts"

>whats up with the people getting so hostile in this movie?
You should see how they behave online. A good number of people, especially women, have been getting death threats for years for challenging this. Rowling has had people say they'd send her pipe bombs, Magdalen Berns had people saying she deserved her brain tumour.

>im afraid of americans plays in the background

>"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, during a Meet the Press interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States. When pressed during the interview with Chuck Todd to explain why Spicer would "utter a provable falsehood", Conway stated that Spicer was giving "alternative facts". Todd responded, "Look, alternative facts are not facts. They're falsehoods."[1]

Was she seriously suggesting that "alternative facts" exist or was she saying that the "provable falsehood" was a point of contention?

A documentarian interacting with crazy "social scientists" reminds me of this documentary series from 2010. Make sure you check it out:


I expected this guy to have a german accent for some reason

His face makes me feel aggressive

Did you ever see that interrogation video where the archbishop is being questioned about touching kids and he acts offended and dismissive? It's that. They've spent enough of their lives not being questioned so they get angry when someone does.


Attached: 95D1073F-5B7E-45D2-B499-36DCF73FD408.jpg (332x768, 61.45K)

thank you for the link. i was just going to kind of skip through it but it got interesting very quick.

Attached: 1436794701392.jpg (1080x1776, 177.98K)

Based. Op documentary is awesome. I feel it took some infuence from hjernevask.

Both are worth watching.

I noticed the professor kept answering his question with a question

yooo zilll zuck zeee kok zan you vill be hoppy

Their whole shtick is surrounding themselves with other like minded people. The notion that someone might not buy into their dogma is as confusing, frightening, and hostile to them as it is for any other growing, tribalist religion.

They do that, and they get pissed when you throw it back at them. Well, not all of them, some of them realize it's a stupid knee jerk reaction and will answer the question when you press them. I've met a handful that are willing to do that, the rest just act like s0i Keiffer Sutherland

Thank you I thought he looked like a Gay Jack Bauer

thought this was dahmer from the thumbnail