What was his problems

What was his problems

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>wake up from hundreds, maybe thousands of years sleep
>this asshole immediately asks for immortality
and I'm not using asshole as "this guy". Peter Weyland is a fucking jerk.
Imagine waking up your creator asking for eternal life but you brutalize one of your own.
He doesn't deserve it. That's why he's angry.

the android was a pale imitation of life, offensively so

Yeah pretty sure where there was an extended version where the space jockey or whatever the fuck hes called tries to talk with them, but the millionare is having his men hit or push down the female character, so space jockey realizes humans are awful little shits and flips out on them

>What was his problems
he saw the film Prometheus and Alien; Covenant while in cryo-sleep due to his precognitive skills. By the time the old man started talking her realized they were real films.

So he attacked.

God would react similarly if he saw a man made robot

just trying to get ahead


David was running on proprietary software

He wanted to see Morbius (2022) in cinema but it wasn't released yet

Attached: icantmorb.jpg (1452x1466, 296.2K)

He saw them as a mockery of his own blood. Android, and human.

Weylin says that he deserves immortality as he is a fellow God and cited the Android as proof. It was the sheer fucking hubris

old rich dude tells alien humanoid giant that the robot he made with the accumulated knowledge of thousands of years is life...

All them teeth and no toothbrush

What an asshole. That didn't give him the right to kill conscious beings. The engineer had even more hubris than Xorg Weyland.

>Wake up
>Descendants of the dog you created from millions of years ago is begging for immortality and comparing himself to God

>claims he deserves immortality
>at the very same time, willing to kill one of his own
>shows an inferior product to his creator
Engineer was right. Humanity needs to not exist anymore.

Wasn't it heavily implied Jesus was an engineer and the engineers were coming to destroy humanity for killing Jesus?

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This. He had neither the time, utility, or will to give these creations shit. Plus they were being mean to science lady.
Alien bro said gtfo in the only way he knew would be infallibility understood.

No pussy

Rush A?

>Wasn't it heavily implied Jesus was an engineer and the engineers were coming to destroy humanity for killing Jesus?
No, only to kill the Jews