Why aren't there any movies about Victor Frankl Any Forums? He seemed pretty... how we say... based

why aren't there any movies about Victor Frankl Any Forums? He seemed pretty... how we say... based.

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what meaning does your life have

Looks like The Hiss has infected those children, that TV is most likely an Object Of Power.

i don't know, he's jewish, should've had one at least

I must consoom

why live if not for pleasure?


I live to post sneed

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I want to see what happens.

>implying pleasure can't supply a deep sense of meaning

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not in excess though, then it's just gay as fuck.

pleasure proves life has value but just pleasuring yourself is less valuable than making pleasure in other things ie robots

>you shouldnt aim to get the most pleasure out of everything because...

it leads to less overall pleasure.

pleasuring yourself is the only thing that matters, other people can go to hell


disgusting selfish faggot

stay mad cuck, while lawless chads reign

too much sauna is bad, you need to go jump in the lake every now and then.

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you'll end up depressed because you'll figure out how disgusting and worthless you are

what is the meaning of deep sense of meaning? Kinda weird to think there's a set purpose for our lives, outside of the theological sense of course. What makes us so special?

Live your life as you want to live it and make choices that you think are the best.

everyone is worthless but me

There are hedonists who get through their entire lives without having the existential breakdown you're insisting on/wishing on them. They're rare, but they exist.