ITT movies that made you cry

ITT movies that made you cry

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didnt like the contrived automatic fast forward that made him the bad guy against his own will. i was angry

Is this the one where he plays shadow of the colossus?

guardians of the galaxy 2 when yondu dies

Gods and Generals

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>Married to Kate Beckinsale
>Barely wants to have sex with her
>Only one child
Into the trash it goes.

pretty sure it was two kids

Yeah, there was two.

It was two kids

It was a metaphor

One of those movies where Adam Sandler pulls a fast one on you. I was doing some shitty marathon of his movies, and we saw this right after Little Nicky. Went from "Popeyes Chicken is the shiznit!" to being gutted.

Absolute kino

I guess I misremembered, still not enough as it's Kate Beckinsale.

Been a while but if I recall, The son thanks the dad for everything and it was sad.

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You know this movie is bullshit because she isn't knocked up or getting knocked up 24/7.

You are soft, pillowy child

Why didn't he just rewind?

Hits hard

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Im a sucker for emotional movies

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why is Any Forums raiding my thread

>you skipped sex once? well looks like you can't say goodbye to your dying dad now you piece of shit
It was a really frustrating watch

this shithole can't be saved. welcome to Any Forums the worst board. enjoy liking the off topic threads the most

Don't know entirely why, but I'm Going to Go Back There Someday almost made me break. I was tearing up like a beast, and was mere seconds away from sobbing like a maniac before it ended.

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